One Never Converts to Islam, But Only Returns Back to Nature

  Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "Every child is born with a true 
faith of Islam but his parents convert him to Judaism, Christianity or 
Magainism - like an animal delivers a perfect baby animal. Do you find its body 
mutilated?" (Bukhari)   And in the Qur’an, Allah says: We have indeed created 
man in the best of moulds. (95:4)   According to Islam, every child is born 
with a nature of submission to the will of God. A newborn comes to the world 
pure and sinless, free from any kind of stigma attached regardless of within 
what race, religion or culture he or she was born or where on earth did the 
mother deliver him or her. It is only afterwards that the child picks up the 
tradition of the family or the society, or various other ideologies. Within 
those outer shells of layers upon layers of ideologies, dogmas, and incorrect 
ways of life, lies dormant the primordial characteristic of every soul: 
worshipping God and obeying His will.   It would be contrary to divine
 justice to hold a child responsible for any wrong doing of its parents, 
ancestors, or the society (or the first couple on earth). Indeed, in Islam, one 
cannot inherit or bear the sin of another but is judged according to his or her 
actions.           Every soul draws the meed 
Of its acts on none 
But itself: no bearer 
Of burdens can bear 
The burden of another. (Qur'an 6:164)   Instead, God implants the seed of 
belief in every soul when he created it, thus setting it with a positive 
beginning.   Therefore, when one converts to “Islam”, which means submission to 
the will of God, he or she only reclaims his or her originality - Fitra - the 
state of pure and original nature. It is the state of obedience to God, of love 
for what is good and sound, and of desire to be in harmony with the rest of the 
creation.   Welcome back to Islam. 


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