[image: two upset pouting girls unable to resolve their problems]

Fighting with friends is tough all around. We often say things we don't mean
and feelings get hurt. Occasionally, no one wants to admit they were wrong
and no one wants to apologize; it seems as though the situation is beyond
repair. There are many ways to resolve conflicts with friends. Here are some
things you can do to start  down the road to conflict resolution.

*Step 1 *
Calm down. No one thinks rationally when emotionally worked up. Give
yourself time to calm down before even thinking of the subject of the
conflict again.

*Step 2 *
Give each other respect. Without first respecting your friend, it is
unlikely that the conflict will be resolved amicably.

*Step 3 *
Give each other space. When the conflict has become too heated, walk away.

*Step 4 *
Give each other time. Time to cool off will help all parties involved think
things over in a rational manner.

[image: Young girls fighting]

*Step 5 *
Respect each other's space and time. Everybody's different. Your friend may
need a week before he is ready to resolve the conflict and you may need only
a day. Give him the time he needs.

Step 6
Communicate. Not talking only makes matters worse. Periodically contact your
friend to let her know that you still care about her.

[image: Conflict resolution!]

*Step 7 *
Listen well. Listen intently and focus on his point of view with an open

*Step 8 *
Choose your words wisely. Avoid accusatory phrases like "you never," "you
always" or "why would you."

Step 9
Leave out the "but." When your friend asks if you accept his apology don't
say "yes, but..." It's a conditional acceptance and can lead to more hurt
feelings. The same goes for "I understand, but.."

*Step 10 *
Let it go. If you can't find common ground, agree to disagree and let it go.
Nothing good will come out of the conflict if you don't.

[image: Have A Nice Day Comment Graphic #486]

~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Kebahagiaan Hidup Yang Tertinggi Adalah
Keyakinan Yang Diri Kita Dicintai. Cinta
Ibarat Seperti Petir, Anda Tidak Dapat
Meneka Di mana Akan Terjadi, Tahu-tahu
Sudah Terserang~~~


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