The agonising decision faced by the parents of conjoined twins
who share a heart... and must be separated
 Daily Mail Reporter

It is one of the most agonising decisions any parent could have to make.

Conjoined twins Emma and Taylor Bailey, three, will die if they are not
separated because too much strain is being put on their shared heart.

But the odds that even one would survive the complex operation are extremely
 [image: Dilemma: Emma and Taylor Bailey share a single heart, but must be
separated if they are to survive]

Dilemma: Emma and Taylor Bailey share a single heart, but must be separated
if they are to survive

No twins born with one heart have ever been separated successfully.

Now doctors say that time is running out for their parents to make their

Emma and Taylor, who are fused from the breastbone to the belly button, have
already defied experts once.
 [image: Family time: The three-year-old twins with their mother Mandy, who
is also mother two four other children]

Family time: The three-year-old twins with their mother Mandy, who is also
mother two four other children

They were expected to live for only 15 minutes because it was thought that
their heart would become overworked as soon as they took their first breath.

But doctors say they must be separated in the next year or two to have any
chance of survival.

The girls also share a liver. For the surgery to succeed, it is likely that
they will both need heart transplants and one will need a new liver.
[image: Miracle: When the girls were born, doctors said they would live for
only a few minutes]

Miracle: When the girls were born, doctors said they would live for only a
few minutes

 Their American mother Mandy Bailey, 32, who lives in Arizona, said:
'There's a tiny window of time for a separation. We have to get it
completely right, if we wait too long then the operation cannot go ahead.

'In the next year, life for all of us will be drastically different.

'We know we have to make difficult choices. We understand the risks. But we
also understand the outcome if we don't do anything.'
 [image: Independent: The girls move around using a specially-adapted walker
and are able to feed themselves]

Independent: The girls move around using a specially-adapted walker and are
able to feed themselves

She said that when the girls were born, all her husband Tor, a 34-yearold
builder, had hoped for was to hear them cry just once.

'We were told they would live for minutes and then they would suffocate,'
she added. 'The girls were handed to him straight away and they
simultaneously inhaled and quietly cried. It was a magical sound.'

The twins' future was still uncertain when they were well enough to be
discharged from hospital. They were given oxygen and medication to
strengthen their lungs and have astonished doctors with their progress.

They can feed themselves and are learning to get about using a special

Mrs Bailey said: 'The girls are becoming different people and developing
adorable little traits. Taylor is the bossy one.

'Emma is a bit crazy, she's always pulling funny faces.' The Baileys have
four other children aged 11, nine, seven and two. Emma and Taylor have
already had several smaller heart operations.

One in June last year involved placing a band around Emma's aorta to reduce
her blood pressure.

Seattle Children's Hospital, which is overseeing the twins' care, does not
want to discuss the treatment.

Mrs Bailey said: 'We realise what a great miracle it is for our daughters to
be alive and happy. They are a blessing for our family.'

To find out more visit the Two Sisters One Heart Foundation
(www.twosistersoneh .

~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Thank you for being a part of my life,
whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.~~~

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