Assalamualaikum, skrg nie kire cam cuti + was teramat bz for  my college Raya+Xmas party/kenduri, best gaks, aku jadi choreographer(salah eja kot) for the tradisional dances for that day, and was very penat, tapi i guess it was worth it (kak aisyah amin, sorry tak dtg, but that day was the EVE b4 our performance, so ader hal, tak trn mercy la (^__^)  )so, only today dapat guner tenet, and i'm quite sad for the recent news of someone dear, who has passed away,so i take a moment of silence.........

but, in this moment, 2 days b4 (17-12-2002) our fren, adzfar( ala, yg dulu budak asrama, suker main bola takrow{tak tau eja again} ) who kalu tak silap baru ajer kawin early this year is now a FATHER!!!!!!!! yup, dgr berita bahawa he is the youngest father in our generasi kot (19 years old u know), so, it was kinda , well, u know, kiter hepi la gaks.....

so anyway, kater insya-Allah adzfar akan balik umah this 30-12, tapi tak sure baper lamer, so kepada sesaper yg kenal dier dan ingin dukung/cubit his daughter(anak pompuan tau, mesti cute), well, i guess try to make visit kot? tak tau la, up to kehendak masing2, kpd batch 5, plans are being made, so just watch out!!!! ok so thats all and wasalamZ

P:S: tolong aku, help me remember how to spell takrow? like bola takrow? gue tak ingat la....sorry :&  (^__^), kalu ader saper interested, maybe later i'll post up his no tepon and alamat umah kalu ader......


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