p/s: stories on me.. in Majalah REmaja Edisi 15 Dec
segmen showbiz. (majalah2 terkemuka yg lain coming up
next edisi InsyaAllah)


Kepada brothers and sisters ... ikhwah dan akhawat,
saya mungkin tak dapat kerap dalam egroups..mungkin
juga tidak dapat berbalas2 email.. tapi yg pastinya..
I am here with all of you in your discussion and
spirit..and therefore I hope im also in your prayers
and doa... and I believe that is what encouraged me to
go 'through'..

Bros n sis, despite the difference of opinions that we
might have but i always believe that we are One and
guided by the same will and spirit for the uplifting
of confidence of ..first ourselves..and the people
towards Islam..

May we be the agent of bringing back Islam to its
original position...with the colours of life and
cultures that surrounds us today.

After quitting my job as a lawyer (which the
certificate remains valid laa..if u mite wonder as all
the reporters are now asking me the same
question:)..... I decided to focus in my strength and
passion insyaAllah..and thats Singing..performing and
motivating. With that i have signed up with a company
called NatureRecords and i am so blessed by their
determination to work with me. Day by day, im blessed
to meet more people i never had expected to see.. and
then i realize, yes.. muadz..wake up.. here are you
new friends..and yes.. its the new arena that i took
up and it comes with consequences...some bad some
good.. but may God guide us all.

IN short, i just want to send my salam and perasaan
HUBB kepada rakan2 semua, dan tunjuk ajar kalian
terutama asatizah yang banyak memberi tunjuk
ajar..Bagi saya.. inilah masa utk saya gunakan.. dan
inilah cabaran yang perlu saya tempuh...Moga allah
mudahkan urusan saya dan saya dari lubuk hati saya
memohon ampun dan maaf di atas kesilapan saya jika ada
dan memohon doa dari antum.

May we meet again... anywhere.. maybe at those
stages.. or on praying mats... or in Jannah..

Im always beside you to get Allahs reward. Do not
forget me..thanks...many thanks... Syukran lakum:)

"People don't care how much you know,.... Until they know how much you 
care..... " "Peace for the whole wide world... Love the entire Universe"

Muadz Dzulkefly
Kulliyah of laws
International Islamic University

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