Did anyone else see this as a bizarre question?
My discomfort arises from the idea that someone would ask this question
without spelling the words "please" and ""thanks" to an email to this list,
and without thinking about their question
What I mean to say is, if you can't figure out the RNA/DNA dogma (from
whatever class or book, etc), why would you use text messaging to ask the
Don't we have google, or actual people to ask this question?
And if you don't get that dogma, or its general idea, from lectures,
shouldn't you be going to a school/mentor offering to teach you how to find
the answer to your question?
I understand some students may not get the idea of a central dogma from
their studies, but applying to histonet seems the wrong answer to their
confusion.  I feel a question like this is easily answered by
mentors/tutors.  Or that students aren't understanding the basic ideas of
replication and translation.  Maybe it's a product of semantics, maybe it's
a product of our ever increasing knowledge of DNA/RNA/protein interactions.

Swiftly becoming a product of the before-internet world,
the velocity of time turns her voice into sugar water
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