MDS Analytical Technologies will be hosting the following seminar at the
Society for Neuroscience Meeting on Monday, November 12, 2008
Advances in LCM and Microgenomics Research 
Speakers include:
*        Charmaine Pietersen, Ph.D., McLean Hospital

"Gene expression analysis in homogenous single cell populations in the
superior temporal gyrus in postmortem brains from subjects with


*        Jennifer A. Macdonald, Center for Vascular Biology and
Department of Cell Biology, University of Connecticut Health Center

"In situ analysis of blood-brain barrier gene expression using
immuno-LCM coupled to qRT-PCR."


For further information and to register for this seminar, please see the
following website:

Shirley Chu

Application Scientist, Arcturus LCM Products

Molecular Devices

(now a part of MDS Analytical Technologies)

408-747-3765 |

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