Does anybody have a protocol for this? My last batch of these came out VERY dry and crunchy when run with other tissues on my standard protocol, which is as follows: (They are fixed on the benchtop in 10% NBF for 4-5 days, then rinsed out before processing.)

70%: 30 min
80%: 30 min
95%: 45 min
95%: 45 min
100%: 45 min
100%: 45 min
xylene: 45 min
xylene: 45 min
Paraffin: 30 min
Paraffin: 30min
Paraffin: 30 min

My other thought is that something is up with our VIP 5 processor, though no 
error messages are showing up.  Any and all suggestions are most welcome.

Thanks in advance,
Kathleen Roberts
Rutgers University

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