Hi Paula,
You really have to tell us which instrument you are using to get a
concise answer. Other details like how the slides are dewaxed for
instance would also definately help.

Greg Dobbin, R.T.
Chief Technologist, Anatomic Pathology
Dept. of Laboratory Medicine,
Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
P.O. Box 6600
Charlottetown, PE    C1A 8T5
Phone: (902) 894-2337
Fax: (902) 894-2385

"I find that the harder I work, the 
more luck I seem to have."
- Thomas Jefferson

>>> Paula Lucas <plu...@biopath.org> 01/21/09 8:04 PM >>>

I've been having a problem with the staining quality from an auto-IHC
stainer and I was wondering if any of you experience the same thing.

I notice sometimes that the staining in the tissue isn't complete, like
there are areas where the fluid (one or more of the steps involved)
didn't get in contact with the tissue, thus resulting in patchy, skipped

I'm thinking that this must be a dispensing problem.

Is this a general thing with all auto stainers - ones like DAKO or Lab
Vision's stainer or Biocare Medical's stainer?  These stainers dispense
fluid onto the slide. 

I hope this explains things and I really hope that I can get some
feedback.  It's getting very frustrating.

Thanks in advance,
Paula Lucas
Lab Manager
Bio-Path Medical Group
Fountain Valley, CA

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