Hi Histo People,

I tried to H&E with a Vector Lab's Gill's Formulation of Hematoxylin.  
Everything  E'd just fine but there is no H.

Is there a way to go back and re-H after coverslipping?

As a clarifier I used 1% glacial acetic acid for 20 seconds and blueing was 
saturated Lithium carbonate.  

I am using Gill's of unknown age (for 1 minute), the slides seemed sort of 
light after the water rinses but I went on thinking it would blue later. 
Nope-there is no nuclear stain at all.

Can I go back and fix this?  Remove coverslips, rehydrate and re-Hematoxylin?

Please give me any suggestions you can think of.

These blocks were a pain in the rear to section and I'd hate to have to 
resection them.  

Boo-Hoo & Waaah,

Paula Sicurello
VA Medical Center San Diego
Veterans Medical Research Foundation (VMRF) 
Core Microscope Facility, room B141
3350 La Jolla Village Dr., MC151
San Diego, CA 92161
858-552-8585 x2397


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