In my opinion, any recommendation to re-use a retrieval buffer just isn't 
'good science'.  The problem is that one cannot know, with any certainty, 
when a solution loses it effectiveness.  The primary reason that the re-use 
approach has been advocated is because this device consumes a disproportionate 
volume of reagent for the number slides that it can handle (when 'full').
In addition to this 'scientific' issue, there is the issue of cost.  
Fundamentally, retrieval buffers are (or should be) 'cheap' -- that is, they 
only a few cents per mL, so, depending on the quantity and arrangement of 
slides within a given device, cost-per-slide values range from twenty-five 
cents to nearly two dollars.  Using a PT Module, however, the lowest possible 
cost-per-slide that one can obtain would be in the best-case scenario of 
placing 24 slides in each 'tank', but the reality is, one rarely uses 
filled slide racks, so the cost-per-slide value is usually even higher.  If 
you're interested, I can e-mail you (or anyone else) a cost-analysis 
spreadsheet that will likely surprise you.
Finally, for what its worth, most of labs that I've ever spoken with who've 
(initially) implemented this device have gone back to using a pressure 
cooker because of cost concerns and the hassle of handling the hot, heavy tanks.
Joe Myers, M.S, CT(ASCP)

Message: 6
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 09:09:10 -0600
From: "Jason McGough" <jmcgo...@clinlab.com>
Subject: [Histonet] Reusing Citrate Antigen Retrieval Buffer

We are looking into using our .01M Citrate Antigen Retrieval Buffer in our
Dako PT Link for Antigen Retrieval on our IHC stains. The question that we
are wondering about is anybody reusing this solution for multiple times? If
so, how many times? What is your dilution? Like the High pH Antigen
Retrieval solution from Dako, it is recommended to use up to 3 time before

We are having several problems with the High pH antigen retrieval solution
from Dako and want to try Citrate, since that is what we have been using for
many years with great results. We previously used the Pascal Pressure Cooker
from Dako for Antigen Retrieval but now have the PT Link. Thank you in
advance for your replies.

Jason McGough HT(ASCP)
Account Representative - Anatomic Pathology
Clinical Laboratory of the Black Hills
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