let me say like this

during the overdose injection, look into the animals' eyes.
take their soul away. then the pre-mortem perfusion is humanized.



发件人: Chana de Wolf 
发送时间: 2009-07-01  09:30:01 
收件人: Ingles Claire 
抄送: histonet 
主题: Re: [Histonet] Good Perfusion... 
Actually, as I explained, in the case of perfusion fixation, you can *and*
you should begin perfusion pre-mortem if you wish to measure anything other
than ischemic injury. That's pretty much the point.
Your own personal feelings aside, it is extremely important that people on
this list who are not familiar with standard perfusion protocol do not get
the erroneous idea that such procedures are illegal or inhumane. The animal
is deeply anesthetized prior to the procedure and death is painless. While
not the most aesthetically attractive method of euthanasia, it is simply a
thoracotomy followed by exsanguination, which is an AVMA approved method of
euthanasia when used in combination with sedation or anesthesia.
I am not interested in "flaming," simply in clarifying.
Chana de Wolf
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 2:29 PM, Ingles Claire <cing...@uwhealth.org> wrote:
> Sorry, but it is against my personal ethics (and/or morals?) to do such a
> thing. Guess I'll never get to work in research... But then I can't even
> pith a frog without squirming. After it's dead though, nothing bothers me.
> (OK, maybe eyes) Perhaps I'm just wierd. (oh, wait, I work in a lab...)
>  Like I always try to explain to the pathology residents who are trying to
> cram 3cmx3cmx5mm pieces of breast tissue into a cassette. "Just because you
> can, doesn't mean you should." Don't get me wrong, I DON'T volunteer with
> PETA, etc. and know animal models are instrumental to many research
> programs. But I have a hard time figuring out where gray area turns to
> black.
> Let the flaming begin. And it's only Tuesday. Boy I am on a roll!
> Claire
> ________________________________
> From: histonet-boun...@lists.utsouthwestern.edu on behalf of Chana de Wolf
> Sent: Tue 6/30/2009 2:37 PM
> To: jf...@gladstone.ucsf.edu
> Cc: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu; JR R
> Subject: Re: [Histonet] Good Perfusion...
> Histonetters,
> Perfusion under deep anesthesia is most certainly not unethical NOR
> illegal,
> and, in fact (as mentioned by Jo Dee), it is necessary for optimal
> perfusion
> and fixation -- the intracellular ischemic cascade begins immediately upon
> circulatory arrest, setting off a chain of events highly detrimental to
> subsequent perfusion. Indeed, ischemia quickly leads to the "no-reflow"
> phenomenon, effectively guaranteeing that you are not perfusing all tissues
> adequately at all! It is therefore *most* beneficial to begin perfusion
> with
> a beating heart, and every perfusion protocol I have ever worked under
> requires it (especially if the tissues are to be used for EM).
> I perform around 5-10 perfusions per week *specifically* to study the
> effects of ischemia on reperfusion and neural ultrastructure.
> Of course, you should check with your institution's particular rules and
> regulations, but perfusion begun under anesthesia is scientifically
> justified for the reasons mentioned above and should therefore be
> relatively
> easy to have approved by your IACUC.
> Sincerely,
> Chana de Wolf
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