
I missed being grandfathered in by a matter of months and am about 10
years away from retirement.  I personally know of several HTLs that
don't have Bachelor degrees that are around my same age.  So in my part
of the Universe, non-degreed HTLs are slightly more prevalent than a
needle in a haystack but not much.

Been at it going on 35 years,

Linda A. Sebree
University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics
IHC/ISH Laboratory
DB1-223 VAH
600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53792

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 2:16 PM
To: Feher, Stephen
Subject: RE: [Histonet] What percent of HTL's do not have a BS degree?

Hi Steve,

I've got no statistics to offer you...just an observation.  I would say
that finding an HTL, without a Bachelor's degree is akin to the
proverbial needle in a haystack.  Anyone that obtained their HTL,
if/when they could be grandfathered in, is likely to be retired or close
to it.  First of all, most folks that went the OJT route for
certification were eligible to sit for the HT only (to my knowledge).
I've never met anyone with an HTL that did not have a Bachelor's as a
pre-requisite.  I've been doing histology for ~25 years.  I've met
people from all over the country and various parts of the world.  Truth
is there isn't an abundance of HTLs out there.  Unlike the Medical Lab
world, with the basic differences between MTs and MLTs, anatomic path
does not exactly mirror that with the HTL and HT.  It's true the MT and
HTL both require a Bachelor's, but responsibilities in most labs, etc.,
generally do not hinge on someone being an HT vs. an HTL. 

A person like myself is probably more common (Bachelor's and an HT).
Unless you know of someone in particular; that you want to hire, with an
HTL without a Bachelor's, I wouldn't waste time trying to justify it.  I
guess the bottom line is if you want an HTL, that person will almost
assuredly have a Bachelor's.  If you want to hire someone without a
Bachelor's that is certified (HT) you'll have better luck.  I think
having an HTL is a great thing.  I honestly have never pursued it
(though eligible) as the circumstances of my career would not have
rewarded me for doing so.  As a matter of fact some employers may look
at it as an over-qualification, or at least no justification for better
pay, perks or responsibility.  Again, no slam to HTLs just the way
things are, at least in my experience.

If you want to hire people without a Bachelor's I would definitely
pursue HTs.  HTs have been doing a great deal of very good work for
years in this field.  And it sounds like you're viewing the Bachelor's
thing as limiting factor more than the HTL itself.

Good luck,
Tom Jasper

Thomas Jasper HT (ASCP) BAS
Histology Supervisor
Central Oregon Regional Pathology Services
Bend, Oregon 97701

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Feher,
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 9:12 AM
Subject: [Histonet] What percent of HTL's do not have a BS degree?

I'm trying to find some solid statistics to justify being able to hire
HTL (ASCP) candidates who do not have a Bachelor's degree.  I am
contending that requiring the candidate to have a Bachelor's degree will
eliminate a substantial number of very qualified people.  Does anyone
have any solid references to support my position.

Stephen A. Feher, MS, SCT (ASCP)

Pathology Supervisor

Catholic Medical Center

100 McGregor Street

Manchester, NH 03102

603-663-6707 <> 

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