The addition of dextrin dates from Catalano & Lillie 1975 Stain Technol. 50(5): 
They showed that adding dextrin more than trebled the dye content of a 
supersaturated solution of oil red O in 60% isopropanol, and also increased the 
shelf life of the solution. These authors did not say what kind of dextrin they 
used. Dextrin had earlier been added to Weigert-type elastin stains by French 
1928 Stain Technol. 4(1): 11-12, who also did not specify a type of dextrin.
Lamar Jones, in Chapter 11 of Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques 
(5th ed, ed. Bancroft & Gamble 2002), p.208 states: "Dextrin, bacteriological 
grade or Type III from Sigma, from corn starch." Does anyone know of a 
published comparison of different types of dextrin?
John Kiernan
Dept of Anatomy & Cell Biology
University of Western Ontario
London, Canada
= = =
----- Original Message -----
From: abi jag <>
Date: Friday, July 24, 2009 7:45
Subject: [Histonet] Oil red o_Dextrin_reg

> Dear Members,
> I am trying to standardize the oil red o staining method in 
> murine frozen tissues using Churukian method.
> I am having following queries.
> 1. The type and source of aqueous dextrin used in the staining 
> procedure.Search in sigma catalogue provided different types of 
> dextrin (dextrin from corn,maize and pottao starch etc). I want 
> to know which should be used exactly in this procedure. 
> Unfortunately, I am not having the article published in Journal 
> of histotechnology to refer. Can any one please throw some light 
> on the type of the dextrin to be used and the source to buy if any.
> 2. Again the procedure mentions a counter stain called acidified 
> Lillie-Mayer hematoxylin. If there is any composition available 
> to prepare the same or that could be purchased directly from the 
> manufacturers (I have seen Dako is having the one).
> Please clarify these two things
> Thanks for all your help
> Abijag
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