For all.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Jasper 
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 1:34 PM
To: 'Blazek, Linda'
Subject: RE: [Histonet] GI, Uro, or Derm Path Lab Set Up

Dear Linda,

I have received private responses similar to yours.  Seeing that you've
posted for everyone I am compelled to respond.  Let me start out by
saying my issue, complaint, concern - whatever you want to call it
obviously is not aimed at an operation such as yours.  As a matter of
fact my service is a stand-alone Histo/Cyto practice.  We are full
service, accredited and located 2 blocks from our main med center.  Our
situation is like a path department in a hospital, minus the politics,
etc.  I'm saying this because I am not against, private, above board,
accredited operations, which are run ethically and free of ulterior
motives.  I apologize if anyone took offense, but I think it should be
clear if your not what I've described, then your not it.

Secondly, it was not my intention to vent in an uneducated, juvenile and
unprofessional manner.  Quite the opposite as a matter of fact.  Here's
what I know about so called "pod" labs, which by the way does not lump
everyone into one group.
I interviewed a candidate 2 years ago that came from a "pod" lab.  I was
appalled as she described the working conditions, facilities, lack of
equipment and support she received with this service.  Improper
ventilation and plumbing, inadequate space, under-qualified assistance,
unreal expectations from those in charge.  This was an unethical
practice at best and I'm at a loss to understand how it was allowed to
legally operate.

Through professional contacts I've been made aware of more and more
"fly-by-night" ventures which are based on a lucrative financial reward
for a few at the top. This is at the expense of facility and technical
support.  Along with this comes patient care risk.  Nine months ago I
lost an excellent tech to a "pod" lab.  Within 2 weeks he was calling
and e-mailing back, regretful of ever getting involved with this
operation.  He was lied to, overworked, underpaid and totally mis-lead
by a poorly conceived and financially unbalanced venture.  Fortunately,
he will be rejoining us next week and he basically cannot get away from
these people quickly enough.

Now in our area plans for a "pod" lab are in the works.  This facility
does not have the space, ventilation, plumbing or staff.  The group
behind this venture has a history of upsetting behavior in the medical
community.  Let's just say they're controversial at times.  As I
mentioned previously they've advertised for a tech but I have no idea
how or what they think they're going to pull off.  I'm sorry but there
are a ton of red flags here.  The only reason I can think of that these
operations are allowed to exist is that they skirt regulations somehow.
And this has been alluded to by others posting on this list.  My point
is that I personally cannot abide subpar operations, that exist only to
line the pockets of unscrupulous parties.  Which in turn potentially
leaves patients and well meaning staff in it's wake.  

If this is not you, great, more power to you and carry on.  If this is
what you're involved in consider yourself put on notice and remember
karma can be a real bitch.

Hopefully clear and not misunderstood,
Thomas Jasper

-----Original Message-----
From: Blazek, Linda []
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 12:33 PM
To: Thomas Jasper; Nails, Felton
Subject: RE: [Histonet] GI, Uro, or Derm Path Lab Set Up

Dear all that are blatantly lumping all private or office specific GI,
GU or Derm labs into one lump.  It is very uneducated and juvenile to
vent in such an unprofessional manner.
You are not very well informed and/or ticked off at losing revenue from
your hospital facility.
Our facility complies with and exceeds all standards set by CAP, CLIA,
OSHA and COLA.  
We are inspected at the required intervals by both COLA and CLIA.
We do the required air quality validations. 
All of the staff is certified and participates in annual continuing
Our main goal is patient care.  Our pathologist interact with our
clinicians on a regular basis.
Our Quality Improvement, Quality Assessment and Quality Management is
We have received the Laboratory Excellence Award from COLA and high
praise by CLIA.  
All of our equipment is state of the art and regular maintenance is
There isn't a member of our team that would not either themselves or
refer a member of their family to our facility.  
I don't think there is an employee here that wants to leave here and go
back to the hospital facility and have to deal with the ever increasing
drive to put out more and more work in less and less time.  Our goal
here is quality not quantity.
This lab may not reflect all private labs but the ones I'm familiar with
live by the same standards that we do.

Do I sign my name or not..... oh what the heck....
Linda and staff!

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Thomas
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 7:02 PM
To: Nails, Felton
Subject: RE: [Histonet] GI, Uro, or Derm Path Lab Set Up

I am in total agreement with both Richard and Felton here.  Sorry
Timothy if you are reading this but to me the bottom line is patient
care.  And in the end set-ups like this hurt patients.  These "labs" and
I'm using the term loosely are put in place to line the pockets of a
small number of people at the top of a pyramid.

I guess someone will always work to put things like this together if
there is a demand.  But please realize, if this is what you're involved
in, the reality is...

~ Questionable facilities - Cramming professional, OSHA legal and
ergonomically correct lab operations into small office spaces is a poor
idea at best.  Proper plumbing, ventilation and lab space are serious
considerations and fall by the wayside when these operations are put

~ Qualified personnel - All of us posting on this list understand the
fact that qualified, competent Histology Lab personnel are in demand and
difficult to find.  The wage for qualified, competent technical
expertise does not fit into the plans of the originators of these

~ Proper equipment and instruments - While the aim of these operations
is limited in scope, basic functional equipment and instruments are
required.  In the overall scheme of things, pathology is still a
bargain.  However, money must be spent to properly equip a competent
working lab with modern instruments.

I could go on but that makes the basic point.  And Timothy, lest you
think that I'm shooting from the hip I assure I am not.  Like most
people on this list, I am a serious, diligent professional.  I have
interviewed people from "pod" labs that have worked under horrible
conditions.  I am also aware of a "pod" lab trying to get off the ground
that shouldn't have an ice cube's chance in hell.  The plans for this
lab do not have proper plumbing, ventilation or space and there is no
equipment.  While a position has been advertised I cannot think of a
single tech, worth his or her salt, that would consider associating
themselves with such an ill-conceived venture.

One last point - don't forget Timothy, that one day you may be that
patient.  Or it may be your mother, sister, daughter, wife, son,
friend...I'll stop there.  Every block, every slide, every piece of
tissue that I or any of my staff encounter is a precious patient...a
human life.  So trying to dumb everything down, cut corners and make a
small number of people wealthy in the process is an irresponsible and
utterly ridiculous risk.  The professionals in our field have worked
hard for a good number of years to come out of the basement spaces and
after-thought little nooks and crannies and other poor facilities to do
the highly skilled work this profession demands.  I for one will never
abide going backwards and I don't believe people of good conscience and
humanity will either.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Jasper

Thomas Jasper HT (ASCP) BAS
Histology Supervisor
Central Oregon Regional Pathology Services Bend, Oregon 97701

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Nails,
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 12:57 PM
To: 'Richard Cartun';; Timothy Jay
Subject: RE: [Histonet] GI, Uro, or Derm Path Lab Set Up

Especially when these physician hire unqualified people to run these
labs and flood the histonet with their uneducated questions.  

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 2:29 PM
To:; Timothy Jay
Subject: Re: [Histonet] GI, Uro, or Derm Path Lab Set Up

We don't need anymore pathology laboratories.  What we need is support
of existing laboratories, especially hospital-based labs.  GI and GU
physicians are "Cherry-picking" the technical revenue that should be
going to hospital labs.  Let's reform health care; make it more
efficient and less expensive.  We don't need to be putting more money in
clinicians' pockets.


Richard W. Cartun, Ph.D.
Director, Histology & Immunopathology
Director, Biospecimen Collection Programs Assistant Director, Anatomic
Pathology Hartford Hospital 80 Seymour Street Hartford, CT  06102
(860) 545-1596 Office
(860) 545-2204 Fax

>>> Timothy Jay <> 2/4/2010 1:28 PM >>>
For those needing help putting an in-office path lab together whether
you are GI, Urology, or Derm please send me an email at
or call me at 775-830-1591. I have a consulting business that
specializes in putting these labs together. References provided upon
Timothy Garcia-Jay, MHA

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