
We are a neurotoxicology lab that also provides histology services for
other researchers inside & outside Rutgers, and we use Gill's #3
hematoxylin for our routine H&Es on mouse and rat tissues.  No fading that
I have noticed in all the years that I have been here.  We get ours from
Thermo Fisher, or whatever they call themselves nowadays.  :o)

Good luck,
Kathleen Roberts

Principal Lab Technician
Neurotoxicology Labs
Molecular Pathology Facility Core
Dept of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Rutgers, the State University of NJ
41 B Gordon Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
(732) 445-6914

> Hello Histonetters,
> I am from toxicopathology lab where we perform H&E on rat tissues and
> store these slides for 10 long years.
> We use self lab prepare Harris hematoxylin (Hematoxylin crystal+Alcohol+
> Ammonium alum +D/W and Mercuric oxide for ripening) and 1% aqueous eosin.
> The staining result is good (Purplish pink look stained slide) on all
> tissue, but  our observation is after 5-6 months time this get faded and
> become towards pinkish type though we can observe the slide.
> We want to retain its fresh stained color.
> Please suggest me how to keep stable stain for longer period or do you
> suggest to switch to any other type of haematoxylin - prepared or
> commercially available?
> Looking forward for your feed back.
> Amita
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