Hi, and thanks for the intervention!  :)
This is the first bit of rational and non-confrontational communication 
relating to advertising I've received thus far and appreciate this very much 
Marvin. I'll respectfully honor the intention of histonet. Had I been 
approached with respect and asked nicely I would gladly oblige. You know what 
they say about catching more flies with honey...

Now back to our regularly scheduled histology programming.

On Oct 3, 2012, at 2:16 AM, Marvin Hanna <mha...@histosearch.com> wrote:

> Hi Histocare and any other relatively new people to Histonet,
> First, hello from Bill and I in beautiful Vancouver and NSH where many 
> histologists are enjoying old friends and making new friends from around the 
> world. Let's remember histology is still a pretty small field in the US with 
> about 25,000 histologists working in about 7,000 labs, plus more and more 
> working in research labs and companies. Over a career, you're       likely to 
> meet many of them if you come to enough NSHs. For those of us who have been 
> on Histonet since the beginning (1996?), we would like to remind others of 
> the facts of Histonet:
> The Histonet listserver is an email listserver       for the histology 
> profession that is managed by Dr. Margraf and Dr. Cope-Yokoyama and is run on 
> computers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. University 
> policies prohibit advertising, but do allow posting of jobs, probably so 
> everybody can dream about being a histologist in some distant place. There 
> are even some temp positions and jobs wanted emails posted every now and then.
> Histocare, your first posting was no problem and we enjoy seeing all the ways 
> histologists use to market their talents. Three posts in one week is a little 
> redundant. We got it the first time.
> Companies (Vendors)  are permitted to post in response to problems of labs 
> when they have something positive to contribute. Histonet currently has more 
> than 4000 members from throughout the world, with many thousands more who 
> keep up with it through the archives. The archives have over 30,000 visits a 
> month from over 50 different countries.
> We all want to read questions and answers about problems in histology. Many 
> of us remember before Histonet when labs had to actually solve their problems 
> by themselves. Now over 30,000 times a month a histology problem is solved by 
> one of the eloquent answers of contributors to Histonet.
> And Histocare, you can be anonymous on Histonet if you like, but you might 
> want to search the archives for others opinions on it. It has been discussed 
> previously. And when you have a website, you can’t be anonymous, because I 
> was able to do a whois search and get your name and address. I would 
> recommend using your name and credentials proudly.
> So, let’s get back to solving histology problems on Histonet and leave Dr. 
> Margraf and Dr. Cope-Yokoyama alone. They have patients and stuff they’re 
> working on. Just remember to treat others in your profession with respect on 
> Histonet. You just might meet them one day at NSH. And remember to think 
> twice (or three times) before hitting the send button with a negative 
> message. Thousands of us really don’t want to hear it.
> Histonet welcomes all histology questions and a vast majority of the 
> participants think if you don’t know the answer, it’s not a dumb question, so 
> feel free to ask. Those that don’t think so will flame you mercilessly off 
> list for posting, but I recommend you ignore them.
> A little research in the archives shows me that 94% of the time an email war 
> breaks out on Histonet, testosterone is involved…
> Respectfully,
> Marvin Hanna
> webmas...@histosearch.com
Histonet mailing list

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