Email has been down for several days, so if someone has already answered
this, sorry.
If anyone wants to donate used (in working order) equipment to a
NAACLS-accredited histotech program, it would be appreciated. Also any
supplies that you are no longer using (dry dye powdered because you have
gone automated, cassettes because they don't fit your new labeler or you no
longer use that color, etc.).
You can ask the Schools to write you out a receipt, and you can say how much
the equipment or supplies are worth. At our hospital, as a non-profit, we
are to "donate" to the community - man hours, supplies, copying, etc. for
things like career days, job fairs, donating used equipment to World Relief,
etc. We have a form on line that we can fill out.
Here's the search site for NAACLS programs. Under Program Type, highlight
either HT or HTL. You can put in a specific state, or your can leave it as
Remember, it has to be in good condition and usable. Schools don't have
money to begin with, and definitely do not have money to dispose of someone
else's junk.
Peggy A. Wenk, HTL(ASCP)SLS
Beaumont Hospital
Royal Oak, MI 48073
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe W. Walker, Jr.
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:09 PM
To: ;
Subject: RE: [Histonet] Disposal of used lab equipment
I don't know the type of equipment you are talking about but have you
considered donating to a histotech school? Or even a high school that might
be interested in taking their dissecting class to the next level?
Joe W. Walker, Jr. MS, SCT(ASCP)CM
Anatomical Pathology Manager
Rutland Regional Medical Center
160 Allen Street, Rutland, VT 05701
P: 802.747.1790 F: 802.747.6525
Our Vision:
To be the Best Community Healthcare System in New England
Rutland Regional…Vermont’s 1st Hospital to Achieve Both ANCC Magnet
Recognition® and the Governor’s Award for Performance Excellence
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:35 PM
Subject: [Histonet] Disposal of used lab equipment
We have upgraded some of our equipment in recent months and repla�d
some VERY OLD equipment that is just taking up space now.
I have contacted some of the used equipment man=acturers and no one
is interested in taking this equipment off our hands.
My question is how do you dispose = used histology equipment. I
don't know if our local landfill will =ke it. Is there a service
out there who will come haul it away?
I appreciate any feedback.
Donna S. Ingersoll, B.S., HTL, CT(ASCP)
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