I all reality none is good. Both alkanes or D-Limonene are either as dangerous 
or more than xylene, and all perform below the xylene standard.
Any one requires modifications of all procedures, they seldom dewax adequately 
and all constitute a processing "compromise". Many cannot de recycled.
Please go to and read about xylene 
The optimal solution to eliminate xylene consists on:
1- dehydrate with 2-propanol (or "pure" isopropyl alcohol or IPA)
2- do not use any ante-medium and go from IPA directly to paraffin wax or 
ideally to mineral oil:IPA at 1:1
3- infiltrate as usual
4- dewax sections with 2%aq. sol. of dishwater soap at 90ºC for 1 min twice
5- stain as usual
6- dehydrate stained sections in a convection oven at 60ºC for 5 minutes
7- coverslip as usual.
As you can see xylene is nowhere to be found in this sequence that produce 
optimal quality slides.
Try it!
René J.

From: "Yaskovich, Ruth A (NIH/NIDCR) [E]" <>
To: "''" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 11:18 AM
Subject: [Histonet] Xylene Substitutes

I know this question has been asked before but what's the best and safest 
Xylene Substitute?
Ruth Yaskovich
N.I.H. N.I.D.C.R.
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