Hello Histonetters,

We have recently noticed some bleeding of our H&E stained tissues and I was
curious to hear if anyone has had problems with this before.  There will
just be a faint halo of stain around the tissue.  This seems to be
happening inconsistently (various tissues, even differences within the same
stained batch) and has now occurred with both paraffin-embedded and frozen
tissue, so with 2 different programs in our autostainer.  If you've seen
this in your lab before, were you able to isolate the cause and fix it?
 I'd be very appreciative of any advice you may have about what we can do
to fix this problem.


Anna Coffey
Senior Histology Technician
Department of Oncology
Histopathology and Tissue Shared Resource
LR-10 Pre-Clinical Sciences Building
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Georgetown University
Histonet mailing list

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