
Recently we were told that we could no longer use our Bio-med
department for doing decontamination of our instruments and that the
techs would be given an in-service to learn how to do them.  I
remember this process as long and messy.  The Ventana rep has
explained to the staff as being approx. 5 hours and not difficult to
do.  I remember it differently so I'd like to see what other Ventana
users are doing with this process.

Here are my questions:

Are you currently using in house Bio-engineering to do your quarterly cleanings?

Do you pay Ventana to come in and do it?

Are you having technical staff do it on off hours?  Then give them
time off another day?

How extensive of a decontamination do you do?  (ex - cleaning filters,
extra DI rinses, pH testing of containers to be sure all cleaning
reagents have been removed, forced air drying of bulk containers -

Have you had problems with air pressure error codes or do you increase
the pressure to handle the increased fluid flow?

Have you ever had overflow problems that damaged the instrument?

How many instruments do you have?

These are the basic questions, but if anyone has any further
information or ideas - I would appreciate hearing them.



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