Dear All,I am dealing with paraffin embedded liver sections (IHC) to identify a 
desired marker. Unfortunately i am stuck here and donot get any signals despite 
using positive controls with different concentration of antibodies. So I am 
turning to Frozen sections which i never try before and i am blank in this 
field. So could you please help me provide a detailed protocol for 
1) Tissue Preparation and cryosectioning2) Immunoflourescence of cryosections
More over, we have all facilities for cryosectioning and immunoflourescence, 
what i am lacking with is an expert of the field in my lab. 

Sincerely Nasir Abbas
---PhD FellowGuangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and HealthChinese Academy of 
Sciences190 Kai Yuan Avenue Science Park Guangzhou, 510530, Guangdong 
P.R.ChinaCell: +86-1312 8296 614
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