Dear All,
I need your guidance in the following issues,
Issue No:1I am going to identify two markers on a single cell (macrophage) as 
well as on two different cells (CD4 and CD8) in a single tissue (costaining). 
What could be the best secondary conjugate systems for detection in this case 
(I only have some experience with HRP conjugate). A protocol will be 
Issue No.2what are the specific markers of Kupffer cells?
I am working with CD11b and F4/80 for said cells but it seems (found in 
articles) that these two markers are also expressed by other leukocytes as 
well, but my job require a very specific marker for kupffer cells so if any one 
knows please most welcome.
Thanks in anticipation.

Nasir Abbas
---PhD FellowGuangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and HealthChinese Academy of 
Sciences190 Kai Yuan Avenue Science Park Guangzhou, 510530, Guangdong 
P.R.ChinaCell: +86-1312 8296 614
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