Guess I missed your other questions. 

I think the fog mist (Cold D) may be better - it reaches all area of the 
chamber. UV light is shaded from some areas, though probably hits most areas 
you might be touching. 

The misting requires a specific solution, not just anything. Hydrogen peroxide 
is the disinfecting agent. 

Other features:
We have the vacutome on the original units but we never use it. We do all 
kidney and muscle sectioning and these small samples do not produce much 
debris. On our new replacement unit (to replace a 7-year old NX70) we opted out 
of the vacuum.  If using in a gross room/Or setting the vacuum may be very 
useful. It only adds a hose and suction manifold in the unit and does not get 
in the way of anything. 

Tim Morken
Supervisor, Electron Microscopy/Neuromuscular Special Studies
Department of Pathology
UC San Francisco Medical Center

-----Original Message-----
From: Morken, Timothy via Histonet <> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 8:26 AM
To: Brittany Hethcox <>
Cc: Histonet <>
Subject: Re: [Histonet] Cryostat

Brittany, we have two of the Epredia Cryostar NX70 and love them. They 're 
reliable and easy to use. We have the elevator on ours and it makes a 
difference for different size people in the lab. It also can have a vapor 
disinfectant system which we use and it works great. 

We use ours for kidney and muscle cryosectioning, not gross room/OR sections 
but these would work fine for that. They have a lot of room inside for 

Tim Morken
Supervisor, Electron Microscopy/Neuromuscular Special Studies Department of 
Pathology UC San Francisco Medical Center

-----Original Message-----
From: Brittany Hethcox via Histonet <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 7:21 AM
Subject: [Histonet] Cryostat

Hello everyone!

I am new to the Histology world. You all may know my previous coworker, Rhonda 
Ford. She officially retired and I am so happy for her! With that being said, I 
am in a pickle because the cryostat we had completely broke down. We were 
having issues with it during my training period, so I never officially got to 
use it. We are now looking for a new cryostat for our department. My supervisor 
is asking me about different models and features, but I don't know much about 
any of this. So I was hoping you all could help! Here are the details:

We are looking at two different models:
- HM525NX

We are also getting questions about UV versus fog mist (More specifically the 
"Cold D" fog mist). So my questions are:

1) Which model do you think is a better investment?
2) Is it ok to buy used?
- It's about half the price, which my supervisor really appreciates!
- A new cryostat will have to come from overseas. The seller says used ones 
will probably be available in the states.
3) Which is better, UV or fog mist?
4) Are there any other features that we should aim to include in our purchase 
(e.g. height adjustment, vacutome, etc.)?

Thanks so much for your help!

Brittany Hethcox
Henry Community Health

*"We Make Lasting Connections"*Henry Community Health 
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