Title: MAPA Forum - 10 things I hate about you......MAS!
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From: Azwan
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 1999 12:29 PM
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10 things I hate about you......MAS!

10 things I hate about you......MAS! 10 things I hate about you......MAS! (modified 0 times) Boba Fett
Could somebody print this thread or any thread in this forum and present to da BOSS on Sunday's meeting. Yours truly will be working.

10 things I hate About MAS

1.Pay : The pay sucks. How come other airlines can pay a lowly first officer like me what a commander here gets and still make tons of money whilst we can't? Until things improve paywise...I'll always set my sights on moving to another airline whenever I can. Forget about loyalty etc. The grass at the Dubai Creek Golf Course will always seem greener. I know for a FACT...IT IS! Inequitable system of type pay. Too much difference in type pay. Pay everyone the same. Makes less of a scramble to get to the B747. A330/B777 Crew work harder than their conterparts on the B747 but get paid less. The days of being paid based of the weight of the Aircraft are over. Are you kidding me? Does it take much more brute force to lift a 747 off the ground compared to a A330/B777? If the argument is based on the number of passengers carried and the revenue generated...maybe the B737 would have a higher type pay....they carry more passengers in a da compared to a single B747.The beancounters can do the sums. I for one think that all should be paid the same. Let the pilots decide on the equipment/lifestyle they want. Solves the company's problem of having too many rookies on the B737. There will be a better spread of experience throughout all fleets.

2.FTL : No FTL. Makes me feel ashamed to work for a Flag Carrier who has no regard for MCAR or CAP371. Where is the Company's responsibility to the travelling public? Doesn't the Company feel the need to do things right? Or is the Company's aim only to make money? Makes a mockery of the SVP(FO)'s foreword in the FOPM..aspiring to be the safest etc.etc. Can't we finalise an FTL so that crew and scheduler's are not left to grope in the dark trying to figure out how much more a person can fly. As it is...nothing stops me from telling crewing that I have hit the 100 hours in 28 day limit and will not be able to fly for the next 10 days. Crewing does'nt know my hours. They depend on me to be truthful. What kind of Company is this? Even a boy scout troop is run more efficiently! Computerise everything....makes it efficient.It could cost more initially. The benefits outweight the cost. Fed up of having to count my hours every other day to make sure I do not bust the limits.

3.Roster : Lousy system of paying crew productivity in excess of 80hours. Productivity should be paid hourly. Not fair to the crew who has 80 block hours/month but in 28 days could work up to 100 hours. Pay every hour. Would make flights like KUL/MAA/KUL seem worthwhile compared to KUL/PEN then n/stop. Feels more equitable/fair to the crew. This includes cabin crew too. No wonder so many of them report sick. Rostering could be fairer and equitable. What has happened to the block roster system? Make sure there is variety in a month. Short and long flights. North, South, East and West. CAP371 limits to be adhered to. As it is, crew are left to determine for themselves whether rosters are legal or not. Are there enough Days OFF? 2 days off in 14 consecutive days? etc..

4.Staff Travel : There's got to be a better way about this. Put it on the internet. Crew can then look up flights which are not so fully booked, purchase tickets on the internet and then have the price deducted from their pay at the end of the month. Makes travel a lot easier. Those without computers can still purchase at the counter.

5.Preflight : Most stressful part of flying. Especially when ex-KUL. By far the worst station to be departing from. Long walk to the airplanes I can deal with. But the other duties which are tedious. Eg. Searching the Alternates Cluster for the relevant charts and documentation. If all departments play their part right, then I don't have to rush to make sure that they have done their part. More often than not, charts are misplaced/incomplete. Adding stress to crew. I agree there are crew who choose not to be stressed by this. Just close one eye. 99% of the time, you don't divert or you wont have an ETOPS diversion. For flight attendants too preflight can be stressful ex-KUL, warped service carts,meals not loaded properly(understand catering does it for foreign carriers). If every department does their job, crews duty would be much easier.

6.Uniform : Lousy, poor quality uniforms. How are we supposed to carry ourselves internationally let alone publicly in Malaysia in cheap uniforms. Often with trouser length much to be desired. Peak caps of poor quality. Lousy plastic nav bags. We look cheap and sloppy in our uniforms. If the company wants to project a better image it has to be willing to spend some money first. Money well spent on QUALITY items will last longer and look better most of the time. There is nothing cheap and good in this world ,only Cheap and Awful.

7.HOTAC : Lousy choice of hotels in some stations. Leaves the public with an unsavoury image of the crew. Again, it's up to the company what kind of image they want of the company. However, meal allowances must be increased and strict enforcement of nil cooking before we can afford to stay in good hotels.

8.Training : Insufficient training of ground staff to handle passengers the way flight crew handle them. Onboard the aircraft, passengers are treated royally by the flight attendants only to see their efforts come to nought when handled by ground staff. Given the runaround at terminals etc.etc. We need quality staff, ordinary well trained people can do the job, some with skills in other languages. Nonchalant attitude of staff must be eradicated. Teach the staff to be conscientious of their actions affecting other departments within the airline.

9.Engineering Support : I bet our colleagues at Engineering would say they have insufficient spares. Airplanes dispatched with U/S entertainment modules. We spend so much telling the passengers we have the biggest this, you can order flowers ,cappucino etc.etc., half the time the stuff don't work. Flight attendants are then left to face the wrath of passengers.How dedicated we are in solving problems will show how dedicated we are/sincere we are in pleasing customers. I have seen A320's on foreign carriers with better interiors than or B747's or A330's. All boils down to what the company wants to project. How much are we willing to spend on quality goods.

10.Lousy PR :We need to have a good PR department. If necessary tell the truth but make known your plight. Eg. the recent London low fuel scenario....if we had a good PR department we could have turned the tide by highlighting the difficulty in obtaining levels over the Bay of Bengal or something like that. I'm sure other carrier's would have pitched in to voice their concerns too. Have you seen a good MAS ad on TV recently? Neither have I.

Hope others contribute. I would recommend that Dr.Don accesses this site often. Not to look at what others think of him, those are just personal attacks which I do not agree to, but to get a feel of what the pilots morale is and maybe get some good suggestions/ideas.

15-09-1999 13:48:32

RE:10 things I hate about you......MAS! RE:10 things I hate about you......MAS! (modified 0 times) sinbad
BF, I can understand fully how you must feel. My view is when we talk about MAS who is MAS? Is it not us the employee? MAS is not DrDon, or whoever in the office. MAS is all of us. Given the number of staff we have (22000 odd), I guess not everybody share the same view as yours.
Question is if you hate this company so much why are you still here?
If you do not have any choice but to stay, please don't keep hurting yourself by keeping the hatred feeling in you.
If you have many other choices of airlines to go, please do so and give the younger pilots chances to be promoted.
Can you come up with 10 things good about joining other airline as expat?
15-09-1999 21:04:29

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