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Weekly subscription to the:
Friday Talk from Al Aqsa Masjid - Al Quds
Given by Members of Hizb ut Tahrir.

(The following is an approximate translation of the Arabic talk which can be
heard at


Friday 27-Rajab-1420, 5 November 1999

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

"Now hath come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him
that you should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is
he most kind and merciful. But if they turn away, say: "Allah suffices me;
there is no god but He: on Him is my trust, - He the Lord of the Throne (of
Glory) Supreme!" al-Tawba (9:128-129).

O Muslims,

People are talking in these days about the anniversary of the midnight
journey of the Prophet Muhammad  and his ascension to heavens. Today I also
want to talk about this blessed night and about al-Quds, but it will be
different from what you are used to hearing from the "official"
"traditional" Muslim scholars when they talk about this occasion.

Allah says "Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night
from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque (al-Aqsa Mosque), whose
precincts We did bless, in order that We might show him some of Our Signs:
for He is the One Who Heareth and Seeth (all things)." Al-Israa (17:1)
Currently across the Muslim world their are celebrations around the
anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad's journey by night to al-Aqsa Mosque and
his ascension to the seven heavens.

Even though Muslims say that al-Aqsa Mosque is associated with the Muslim
creed some still celebrate this occasion whilst al-Aqsa Mosque is moaning
under Jewish occupation, by eating sweets and chanting songs.

Muslims admit that Allah in His holy Quran has mentioned the importance of
al-Aqsa Mosque "whose precincts We did bless"..

Muslims admit that Allah has connected al-Aqsa Mosque to the belief of the
Muslims, that He has shown its importance next to the Sacred Mosque in

Muslims admit that the Prophet Muhammad  has praised al-Aqsa Mosque and that
he has praised this land and many of its cities.

But the Muslims neglect to mention, when they celebrate this occasion, the
memories of Jihad and liberation which are related to this Mosque.

The Muslims neglect to mention how sinful those Muslims are who "make peace"
with the Jews, the occupiers of this Mosque, or those Muslims who take these
Jews as friends and supporters.

The Muslims neglect to mention to their rulers how the Jews are occupying
not only al-Quds but the whole blessed land from the (Mediterranean) sea to
the (Jordan) river, that this land as a whole is a blessed Islamic occupied

The liberation of this land by Jihad is the responsibility of all Muslims,
and not only the people of Palestine.

This land has been an Islamic land ever since the Prophet Muhammad  had made
his journey by night to its Mosque, and since the Khalifah Omar had opened
it, and ever since it was liberated by the Muslim Kurdish leader
Salahud'deen al Ayyoubi.

This land is an Islamic land with their being no difference between al-Quds
or Haifa, or between Lod or Asqalan - for which the Prophet Muhammad  called
the pride of Paradise and in another hadeeth he said  about her "May Allah
send his Mercy on the people of the graveyard" in Asqalan. The Prophet
Muhammad  said this even before this land was opened by Muslims. So this
land will remain Islamic land until the Day of Doom. This reality will not
be changed even if some of the traitorous rulers have given up the land and
signed treaties for that purpose.

Not only was al-Quds the source of great Islamic scholars like Ibn Qudama
alMaqdisi, but Nablus was also the origin of great Muslim Scholars like
Abdul Ghani alNabulsi and Asqalan her son the great scholar Ibn Hajar
alAsqalany, with yet still many more from other cities in this blessed land.

There are great virtues for this land that I will not mention because they
are so many, and because I do not want to sound like a man who defends
patriotism. Rather we are ideological Muslims that demand that Islam be
given the rule in this land and in every other Islamic land.

I remind you all, and I remind the rulers with what Omar Ibn alAhss said to
the son of Heracules when Omar was on his way to open this land:

The son of Heracules, whose name was Palestine, said to Omar Ibn alAhss:

Oh the prince of Arabs, we are cousins so why should we fight? This land
that we are fighting for was shared by our fathers and our grandfathers, so
we had taken what we had taken and you had taken what you had taken.

What was the reply of Omar Ibn alAhss? He replied:

I have nothing to do with this relationship that you claim. But I came today
with regards to this unfair "distribution of estate" that you have talked
about and I am coming today to correct it.

The liars and the traitors (your rulers) in the 20th century claim that
there is a relationship of cousins between us and the Jews. They are telling
you that Rabin, Perez and Netanyahu are your cousins. I say to them - wait,
the new Omar Ibn alAhss is coming soon to correct the situation even after
all these treaties and treason with the Jews. He will liberate all of
Palestine from the Sea to the River as well as other Islamic lands. We hope
that Allah will make al-Quds the new capital of the Islamic Khilafah State.

Oh brothers,

There was a new heresy committed in this Masjid when the Friday Speaker
today called the Muslims to pray the special prayer (the absentee prayer)
immediately after the Friday Prayer, for the sake of the souls of the
martyrs in Chechnya and the Martyrs of the fallen Egyptian airplane. We have
said it in the past and we have proven to the people that this prayer is a
political prayer. There is no opinion from any Islamic scholar throughout
history that allows Praying on the Martyr. The martyr does not need our
prayers because he is already in Paradise.

Is it enough for us to simply pray for the people of Chechnya like what we
did previously when we prayed for the people of Bosnia, and before them when
we prayed for the people of Afghanistan?

May Allah guide us to the straight path.

May Allah help us to work for this deen in the correct way and for the sake
of Allah alone.

May Allah help us to establish the Islamic Khilafah State so that this deen
becomes victorious on earth.



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