Nik Aziz attributes Pas win to Kelantan voters

JELI, Wed. - Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat today attributed Pas' victory in the just-concluded election to assistance from Kelantan voters who returned from other States to cast their votes here.

He said many eligible voters from Kelantan who were residing or studying in other States had made their way home to support Pas.

He said he was informed that such people had campaigned for Pas two days before polling day.

"One of the reasons Pas won the election was because Kelantan people who live in Kuala Lumpur, Johor and other States returned to vote and campaign for us," he told reporters after a meeting with party supporters in Kampung Lawang.

Nik Aziz said the people who migrated had an open mind and thus could make better assessment when exercising their rights. He said the returning voters used the two-day period before polls to campaign and had influenced others to vote for Pas.

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