Media Statement

Mahathir's Contempt Of Court 4 February 2000

Dato Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s statement at the meet-the-students session in London on 30th January 2000 can be described as nothing short of CONTEMPT OF COURT.

Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s trial has not concluded, and the learned judge has not made his ruling yet as to Dato Seri Anwar’s guilt or innocence, but Mahathir has already publicly passed sentence on Dato Seri Anwar.

Dr Mahathir went into great detail on Dato Seri Anwar’s alleged "offense" and the events, from Mahathir’s point of view, which led to his belief in Dato Seri Anwar’s guilt. These facts, if they are true, should be tabled in a court of law during the process of the trial, which is, after all, currently on-going.

We find it strange that Mahathir has avoided going to court - though he knows very well the court has been attempting to serve him a subpoena - which is the most suitable platform for Mahathir to tell his story. Instead, Mahathir has chosen to "testify" in public in the USA and UK.

Mahathir’s actions only strengthens the Malaysian public’s belief that Dato Seri Anwar is innocent, and a victim of a high level conspiracy. The fact that the charges against Dato Seri Anwar had to amended three times due to discrepancies in the dates leads to the conclusion that Dato Seri Anwar has been made to face trumped-up charges.

Mahathir does not dare face the court where he knows his testimony would be ripped to shreds. Mahathir has so far been speaking from hearsay and no tangible evidence has been offered to support what he says. Mahathir admits he has conducted his own investigation, outside that of the police investigation, and that he is satisfied as to Dato Seri Anwar’s guilt. Mahathir confirms playing judge, jury and prosecutor and that he does not need the opinion of the court to come to his own conclusion.

Mahathir should cease being a coward and face Dato Seri Anwar in court where the real test of his story would take place. Mahathir has conveniently made statements at overseas functions and to UMNO members behind closed doors knowing full well that Dato Seri Anwar is unable to defend himself under those circumstances. Mahathir’s slanderous and libelous statements are extremely unbecoming of a national leader and chief executive of the country, and if anyone else had made those same statements they would, for sure, have been brought to court under criminal charges.

From hereon Mahathir should cease slandering Dato Seri Anwar and should only make statements in court in the course of Dato Seri Anwar’s trial - which, sooner or later, Mahathir will have to face.



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