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       Image of God
       Sun, 30 Jan 2000 22:00:15 +0800
       Tiger Harry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
       Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I agree with your views of the Incarnation, but what do you say 
>about the fact that the Bible says: God created man in His image?

Dear Neil,

There is no mention in the Quran that God created man in His image.
There is in a saying of the Prophet (pbuh) something like that.
We Muslims interprete it to mean that God created man to have
certain attributes similar but also different from God.

For example:

When God says that he hears, we are also given the capability
to hear. God does hear but he need not have ears to hear. He
hears in his own way because he is a perfect being. Whereas
we humans being an image of God can hear, but the way we hear
still symbolises our inert weakness. We depend on eardrums and
a brain.


When God has the attribute of seeing, the way he sees cannot
be compared to anything we can imagine of. We being like God,
we do see...but we need to have physical eyes to see, there
must be light to make our sight functioning.

In the Quran God says that he has "hands". It is understood by
Muslims that the "hands" symbolises power, not the literal real
hands. Some more things to say like if God love, we humans love
too, when God can get angry, we become angry too...etc.

There is a term "khalifa" in the Quran (Quran 2:30) which means
man will imitate God to rule the earth. Perhaps I like to say
about one attribute we are like God is the ability to forgive.
All other animal beings, even though they do have feelings like
humans, they don't know how to forgive. Since God can forgive...
then man being an image of God is like God, can exercise the 
ability to forgive.

I think we tend to say "man is the image of God" is not that
we physically resemble God in features but being like Him in
some attributes. Also the way we understand being in the image
of God is to remind us to act righteously and to be morally
good. We know that God is good, so we have to strive to be like
Him, to love good. If God is the wise being, then thinking
wisely is imitating the way God does things...as far as can
try to imitate God.

If we happen to think that we are the *exact* image of God,
then we are gods in one sense. An image means exactly like
something. So it is impossible. I think Christians look at
Jesus as God-man as a true and perfect image of God the Father.
Well, being a Muslim...it is hard to imagine that God the
Father has eyes and eyeballs, mouth and tongue, nose and
jutting ears...has hands to take things...has feet to walk
about..then we reason that there should be 2 God-man(s)..
Jesus who looks *exactly* like the Father.

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Pengirim: Tiger Harry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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