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       Fri, 28 Jan 2000 00:48:13 +0800
       Tiger Harry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
       Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Neil,

I don't want you to feel offended, I will explain to you why
I am as a Muslim does not believe in Incarnation. Below is
what I have written to a Christian saying why I reject the
doctrine of Incarnation. I have referred to something written
by a Christian theologian, who is a Trinitarian ... and what
he descibes about God, and I am using his thoughts as a way
of refuting the doctrine of incarnation itself.

If you wish to give your opinion, please do so...


This is taken from Grudem's "Systematic Theology", page 187:

We also find that God forbids his people to think of *his very
being* is similar to *anything* else in his physical creation.
We read in Ten Commandments:

You shall not put for yourself a graven image, or *any likeness
of anything* that is in heaven above, or that is on earth beneath,
or that is in the earth beneath..you should not bow down or serve
them...[Ex. 20:4-6]

...is a reminder that God's being, his essential mode of existence,
is different from anything that he has created. To think of his
being in terms of anything else in the created universe is to
misrepresent him, to limit him, to think of him as less then he
really is...we must affirm that to picture God as existing in a
form or mode of being that is like anything else in creation
is to think of God in a horrible misleading and dishonoring way.


Reading the above carefully what is written by a Christian
theologian, I wonder...why Jesus being God, being of the same
essence and attribute could become an incarnation? Was Jesus
a *real* God in the true sense above?

While I was on the Christian Delphi Forums, I have seen a
pastor (a Pentacostal), showing so many diffrent images of
God (Jesus). Isn't that a form of idolatry? I think one
guy who is a Jehovah Witness tried to correct that pastor's
creed, and he gave that JW guy a bad bashing.

I always see Christian's doctrine of incarnation as God
that became his own creation. This in Judaism and Islam is
a heinous blasphemy

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Pengirim: Tiger Harry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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