Title: RE: H-Net* "Twelve good reasons I don't support PAS"

My conclusion of these two hamba Allah is simple (Dzun Nun and Fatty)
Fatty ---> Kurang Keilmuan especially Islamic Knowledge. I don't blame
           her of her thinking if she really lack of Islamic teachings.
           Would rather ask her to spend more time on seeking for Ustaz
           that conduct 'Baca Kitab' especially on Kanun Jenayah Syar'iyyah
           as Fatty seems to know very less about the entire of Hudud and
           conditions behind its implementation.
Dzun Nun ---> You need to understand the condition/biah. No doubt that Islam
              emphasis on being brave when carrying the truth but with hikmah.
              Semangat sahaja tanpa hikmah pun tak boleh sheikh...Anyway, saya
              tidak mengatakan cara kamu tu tak betul..Bila masa dan keadaan
              mendesak, well..yours is the choice...

-----Original Message-----
From: Dzun Nun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 12:13 AM
Subject: RE: H-Net* "Twelve good reasons I don't support PAS"

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i pun worry.

kalu pas perentah, depa ni slow macam abu kayap.

ape ke tidaknya, 9 keluarga memali pun depa tak
terbela, ini kan pula seluruh rakyat mesia yg 20 jota

i pray 20 X so that the real Abu Sayaf will rule

tentu kak fatty kurus cengkeding cirit kalu itu Abu
Sayaf perentah noh?

no fear,

Dzun_Nun Al-Malay_C

--- Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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> Assalamualaikum
> Rasa sungguh sungguh terpanggil nak jawab 12 sebab
> yang Pn Timah kemukakan
> tapi selepas di belek belek dan dikaji kaji dan
> diteropong dan di studi rasa
> rasa buat perabis beras dan perabis karan saja. Mula
> mula Pn Fatty sudah
> "bias" dan ada "preconceived notion" berkenaaan
> Islam. Jadi bila otak dah
> tertutup, hati,mata, telinga, muka semua dah tutup
> dan berfikiran sempit dan
> semput..kita cerita dan habaq lagu mana pun dia tak
> mau dengar.
> Lagi pulak kalu kita tengok puak puak UMNO yang
> memang berjiwa UMNO jenis hok
> berkarat piau ..kemarin dulu, besok dan sampai
> kiamat ni pun tak argue dan
> bagi sebab musabab yang macam ni punya teruk sebab
> nak tolak Islam.
> Malah sebab musabab yang Pn Fatty ni berikan nampak
> lebih jahil dan lebih
> kuno daripada pendapat sahabat sahabat dan jiran
> kita yang bukan Islam. Saya
> tak nak lah kata Pn Fatty ni munafik atau fasik tapi
> kalu dok belek belek dia
> punya sebab...apek dan asoo Cina sebelah rumah pun
> tak lah sejahil itu.
> Syok jugak tengok dia tulis "I worry....i worry"
> tarjamahan..saya takut atau
> bimbang. "Fear" ni kata orang barat yang nampak gaya
> Pn Fatty puja tu..adalah
> punca segala kemunduran dan kebodohan. Maka sebab
> fear satu benda pun tak
> jadi.
> Itu sebab walau pun dah lama merdeka, kita dok
> pikiaq macam orang British,
> sebab fear atau takuit kepada kemajuan dan
> perubahan.
> Akhir kata, kemarin dulu saja Dr M bertitah, suku
> sakat UMNO kena pikiaq macam
> pembangkang. Pembangkang paling besar ialah PAS.
> Sebab apa Dr M bersabda lagu
> tu ?? Ini adalah kerana dalam pembangkang tak pernah
> ada rasa takut, bimbang,
> worry dan fear. Falsafah "No Fear" ini amat bagus
> untuk pembangkang yang Dr M
> pun nak tiru dan contohi. Jadi kalu lah ada orang
> macam Pn Fatty ni yang dok
> tulis " i worry " tak berhenti henti, Dr M pun tak
> mau kat dia. Malah negara
> ni yang Pn Fatty panggil "only home i know" pun tak
> mau kat dia.  Kita bimbang
> wabak "IWORRY" akan tersebar merata rata tempat.
> Kita maju, terkedepan dan
> merdeka sebab kita angkat bontot dan melawan,
> menendang dan menerajang rasa
> worry, bimbang fear dan takut. Kita tak akan
> berdukacita kalu Pn Fatty nak
> pindah ke Myammar yang rakyat dia menjadikan rasa
> bimbang dan takut sebagai
> cara hidup. Malaysia sungguh sungguh tak perlu orang
> macam Fatimah Ahmad dari
> Kelana Jaya.
> ....and for this I offer no apologies.
> Wassalam
> Adam
> p/s: so Pn Fatty pray pray five times daily ah....i
> kesian kat u lorr !!!!
> >===== Original Message From killer fish
> >
> >Let me enlighten Samad. As a progressive Muslim
> woman,
> >I will give 12 reasons why I pray to God five times
> a
> >day that PAS will never rule this country:
> >
> >1. I worry that my Chinese sister-in-law whose
> >marriage to my brother is on the rocks will
> eventually
> >divorce him and go back to the bosom of her family
> and
> >leave Islam. Under the PAS hudud law she will be
> >deemed an apostate and sentenced to death. She's a
> >wonderful friend and mother whose big mistake was
> to
> >marry my spoilt and selfish brother. I cannot, in
> all
> >conscience, stand by and watch the mother of my
> >beautiful nieces and nephew be sentenced to death
> for
> >choosing to go back to her original faith and
> support
> >system after suffering for years at the hands of a
> bad
> >husband.
> >
> >2. I worry that should my daughter or nieces or I
> be
> >raped and we are unable to produce four pious males
> >who witnessed the penetration, we will be charged
> and
> >found guilty for illicit sex under the PAS hudud
> law.
> >Reports from Pakistan point out that thousands of
> >Pakistani women in jail are rape
> >victims who have been found guilty for zina because
> >they were unable to produce the four male witnesses
> >required to prove rape.
> >
> >And there are many more thousands of women who do
> not
> >report rape, knowing that they would be charged for
> >zina because of their inability to prove rape
> >according to the requirements of the hudud law. If
> the
> >Syariah Courts in Malaysia cannot even implement
> the
> >Islamic Family Law according to the substance and
> >spirit of the law, what hope do I have that the
> same
> >religious authorities would be able to implement
> any
> >other Islamic law to ensure that justice is done?
> >
> >3. I worry that should I find the courage to
> publicly
> >stand up and speak out against the PAS hudud law, I
> >will be condemned as an apostate and be sentenced
> to
> >death as pronounced by Ustaz Hadi Awang and many
> other
> >ulama.
> >
> >4. I worry that the Islamic Family Law which grants
> >women the right to divorce, and to a share of the
> >matrimonial property, and which provides for strict
> >conditions for polygamy (no matter how flawed the
> >implementation) will be repealed or amended to
> conform
> >to the medieval PAS view of women as nothing more
> than
> >chattels, sex objects and evil temptresses who
> should
> >be kept hidden and silenced.
> >
> >5. I worry that the Domestic Violence Act which
> makes
> >it a crime for a husband to beat his wife will be
> >deemed unIslamic because of the orthodox belief
> that a
> >Muslim man has a right to beat his wife.
> >
> >6. I worry that Islam will be used to silence the
> >women's groups that now champion the rights of
> women
> >and put pressure on the government to amend laws
> and
> >policies that discriminate against women.
> >
> >7. I worry that the films I now see, the concerts,
> >dances and plays I attend will all be deemed
> unIslamic
> >and a source of maksiat and will be banned under a
> >government. Or that only non-Muslims can attend
> such
> >events, while I have to listen only to Raihan.
> >
> >8. I worry that my best friend who is a dancer will
> no
> >longer be able to perform on stage because she is a
> >Muslim woman, just as her friends in Kelantan have
> >lost that right to partake in their love for the
> Malay
=== message truncated ===

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Pengirim: Dzun Nun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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