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For listers interested in a study of hypocrisy and sycophancy, read the
>report by NSTP below:

>the circus clown shows off his 'funny' antics.

>National: BN leaders express shock and sadness
>24 May 2000
>KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. - More Barisan Nasional leaders today expressed
>shock over Transport Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ling Liong Sik's "sudden
>decision" to resign from the Cabinet.
>They urged the MCA president to reconsider his decision and continue to

>hold his ministrial post as his vast experience as a Minister was still

>In Malacca, the State MCA urged Dr Ling to reconsider his decision for
>the sake of the Chinese community.
>State party chairman Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong said Dr Ling must not
>quit now as there were still many educational, social and economic
>programmes which had yet to be implemented.
>He said the State MCA committee members in a special meeting pledged
>their undivided support for Dr Ling as the party president and
>In Kota Kinabalu, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Osu Sukam hoped that Dr
>would continue to hold his ministrial post.
>"Although Dr Ling had indicated that the decision was irrevocable,
>had been continuous calls for him to stay. This only proves the
>of his leadership," he said.
>Osu said he was saddened at Dr Ling's announcement and that it came as
>shock to him.  "I know him not only as MCA president but also as my
>colleague during my tenure as a Federal Minister before returning to
>Umno Youth head Datuk Hishammuddin Hussein said in Penang, he was
>saddened by Dr Ling's "drastic" decision and perplexed at his timing
>the way he relinquished the post after 14 years.
>"As a person who has served a very long time as a leader, I expect him
>to provide a grace period before retiring to enable continuity in the
>However, when asked if the MCA president's resignation from the
>Government would have any repercussions on the ruling coalition,
>Hishammuddin said there would be none.
>"As far as the BN and the ruling Government are concerned, there will
>no repercussions," he said, adding that "leaders come and go. And this
>has always been our stand".
>In Ipoh, Deputy Transport Minister Tan Sri Ramli Ngah Talib expressed
>He said even though the move was not entirely unexpected, "it still
>as a surprise as there was no indication that the MCA president had
>intended to vacate his Cabinet post".
>Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Tajol Rosli described the move by Dr Ling as
>"magnanimous" but he (Dr Ling) would have to think of the effect it
>would have on MCA, Barisan Nasional and the Government.
>"We salute him for his decision, but he must consider if it is a wise
>move," he said.
>Tajol Rosli said even though recent events within the MCA had indicated

>that there were problems, Dr Ling's resignation from the Cabinet was
>still a surprise , considering he (Dr Ling) never had any problems
>within the Ministry before.
>In Perlis, Menteri Besar Datuk Shahidan Kassim said although the
>decision by Dr Ling came as a "surprise", all quarters should respect
>"He (Dr Ling) is making a sacrifice for MCA. MCA has its own ways and
>does other parties like Umno, MIC or even Pas."
>"We should not, however, generalised the matter because each party has
>its own way of handling such a situation."
>Shahidan earlier expressed shock over Dr Ling's decision because the
>president had successfuly led the party to one of its best performance
>during the last general election.
>"I am personally shocked and saddened by his decision because as a
>capable Minister and credible leader, he had done a lot for BN and the
>"I am also hoping for him to reconsider his decision," he said.

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