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TQ+shukran kerana maklumat detail.
Not that important, sebenarnya...
tapi bagi yg berminat, boleh terus baca.


A little over two years ago, in the winter of 1995, I attended a celebration in
       Chicago. During that celebration, a man named Hisham Kabbani stood at the
       podium and delivered a speech in which he said, "Ar-Rahman is Muhammad."
       My body shivered from horror when I heard his words. Not wanting to let his
       words pass unchallenged, and as my speech was scheduled to be given
       immediately after his, I decided to forgo my original speech to refute his 
words. I
       took the platform and explained that his words contradict the Religion and are
       blasphemous, may Allah protect us. Hisham Kabbani heard my speech and was
       silenced by the truthfulness of my words based on the proofs from the Qur'an and
       Sunnah. However, he did not clear himself of his blasphemous saying nor did he
       show any remorse. I was astonished by his negligence in this issue, so I 
       about him and was told he was the deputy of Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi.

       I had the determination to check the background of this man. In my endeavors, I
       met many People of Truth and Integrity who had met Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi in
       Tripoli, Damascus, London, and the United States. Some of them had even met
       his sheikh before him. Later on I came across a book authored by his sheikh,
       ^Abdullah ad-Daghistani, bearing his portrait. I also found some interviews with
       him published by the Lebanese Al-Anwar newspaper. In 1415 AH (1995 RC) I
       visited France, where I met a French national who had embraced Islam. He told
       me he had followed al-Qubrusi for some time and for a while--until his
       misguidance was made apparent to him--had thought he called for guidance. He
       had stayed in London for a year to learn from al-Qubrusi. From this man, I
       obtained some of al-Qubrusi's books.

Ibnu Muhajir wrote:

>  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
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> http://www.muslim.net/islam/sufism7.html
> In the Name of Allah, most Compassionate, most Merciful
>             The Irrefutable Proof that Nazim al-Qubrusi Negates Islam
>                                   By Al-Hidaayah
>        All Praise is due to Allaah, Lord of the Worlds and Prayers and Peace upon 
>His Final Messenger
>        Muhammad. To proceed:
>        The following is a small work compiled by Samir Kadi, an adherent to one of 
>the Sufi orders other
>        than the Naqshabandi order and Ash'ari in creed. It aims to expose the lies 
>and expressions and
>        statements of apostacy and disbelief that one of the heads of the present day 
>Naqshabandis has made.
>        It is highly commendable for someone to speak out against such blatant 
>opposition to the creed of
>        Islam and the present treatise does so in a very clear and IRREFUTABLE way - 
>a sign of the author's
>        justice and regard for the truth - even though we would disagree with the 
>author in some aspects of
>        his creed [i.e. his Ash'ari beliefs] and some other issues - we commend his 
>struggle for exposing
>        falsehood. It is unfortunate that in most likelihood, you will see the 
>Naqshabandis, instead of
>        humbling themselves and returning to the truth, will - inspite of evidence as 
>clear as daylight - will
>        go on to defend their Shaikh and Mentor - a clear sign of their misguidance 
>and devilish nature.
>        Deaf, dumb and blind - so they do not return [to the path]. And refuge is 
>from Allaah alone...
>        Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the One Who protected the 
>Religion by
>        scholars who implement their knowledge - humble and knowledgeable about
>        Allah. May Allah raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad, his kind Al and
>        Companions, and those who genuinely follow them. May Allah protect the nation
>        of Prophet Muhammad from what he fears for them. Thereafter;
>        Allah, Ta^ala, said:
>        (Al ^Imran, 31) which means: "Say, O Muhammad, "If you love Allah
>                  then follow me to earn the acceptance of Allah.""
>        The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, warned us against those
>        who deviate from him in a hadith related by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim:
>        which means: "There are people whose skin is the same color as ours, who speak
>        the same language as we speak, they mix correct matters which you know with
>        bad matters which you denounce [they mix the correct statements with the
>        deviated ones]. They stand by the gates of Hellfire inviting others to enter. 
>If one
>        listens to them, they push him in."
>        It is of utmost importance for the Muslim to look thoroughly at the person 
>        whom he acquires knowledge. In the introduction of his book, As-Sahih, Imam
>        Muslim related the saying of the highly esteemed follower of the companions,
>        Muhammad Ibn Sirin:
>        which means: "This knowledge contains the rules of the Religion, so look
>        thoroughly into the person from whom you acquire the knowledge of your
>        Religion."
>        In light of this important matter, I seek to expose those who deviate from the
>        path of the Prophet.
>        A little over two years ago, in the winter of 1995, I attended a celebration 
>        Chicago. During that celebration, a man named Hisham Kabbani stood at the
>        podium and delivered a speech in which he said, "Ar-Rahman is Muhammad."
>        My body shivered from horror when I heard his words. Not wanting to let his
>        words pass unchallenged, and as my speech was scheduled to be given
>        immediately after his, I decided to forgo my original speech to refute his 
>words. I
>        took the platform and explained that his words contradict the Religion and are
>        blasphemous, may Allah protect us. Hisham Kabbani heard my speech and was
>        silenced by the truthfulness of my words based on the proofs from the Qur'an 
>        Sunnah. However, he did not clear himself of his blasphemous saying nor did he
>        show any remorse. I was astonished by his negligence in this issue, so I 
>        about him and was told he was the deputy of Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi.
>        I had the determination to check the background of this man. In my endeavors, 
>        met many People of Truth and Integrity who had met Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi in
>        Tripoli, Damascus, London, and the United States. Some of them had even met
>        his sheikh before him. Later on I came across a book authored by his sheikh,
>        ^Abdullah ad-Daghistani, bearing his portrait. I also found some interviews 
>        him published by the Lebanese Al-Anwar newspaper. In 1415 AH (1995 RC) I
>        visited France, where I met a French national who had embraced Islam. He told
>        me he had followed al-Qubrusi for some time and for a while--until his
>        misguidance was made apparent to him--had thought he called for guidance. He
>        had stayed in London for a year to learn from al-Qubrusi. From this man, I
>        obtained some of al-Qubrusi's books.
>        Later, I received a book authored in refutation of the teachings of Nazim
>        al-Qubrusi from another Muslim brother, who was living in London. In his book,
>        he mentioned he had asked al-Qubrusi for an open forum. To this, Nazim Qubrusi
>        did not respond. Rather, he ordered his followers to threaten this man with
>        physical harm if he did not quit his insistence on making known his stand 
>        Nazim al-Qubrusi. Later on, those followers did find our brother alone. They
>        carried out their threat.
>        From this Muslim brother we listened to some lessons recorded in Nazim's own
>        voice. Later I saw a newsletter issued by Nazim al-Qubrusi's followers in 
>        they attribute Nazim al-Qubrusi with praising Britain, the British people, 
>and their
>        prince. With all this, I found in my hands all I needed to check Nazim 
>        background, inclinations, and situation.
>        Sheikh Nazim claims to follow the honorable route of the True Sufis and to
>        endorse the true masters of the Naqshabandiyy order (tariqah). His students 
>        about him: "He is the Sheikh of His Time," "the Imam of His Era," and "the
>        Sultan of the Waliyys." So, I decided to weigh Nazim al-Qubrusi's sayings by 
>        scale of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet in an attempt to
>        preserve the purity of the People of Truth from any sediments. Knowing the 
>        of the True Sufis is linked to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the 
>        one judges that whatever sayings comply with them are acceptable and whatever
>        opposes them are not.
>        I wrote these papers seeking the acceptance from Allah and asking for 
>        from His torture--for the one who keeps silent from telling the truth in 
>        misguidance is a mute devil. I organized this work in chapters--each one deals
>        with one of the misguided sayings and convictions of Nazim al-Haqqani (as 
>        al-Qubrusi is also known) and his sheikh, ad-Daghistani--without attempting to
>        enumerate all of his strayings. I weighed each of Nazim al-Qubrusi's sayings 
>        the scale of the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of the Prophet, and the sayings of 
>        Imams with whom both Nazim and those who refuted him identify. I did this 
>        by copying Nazim al-Qubrusi's statement, then by recalling what Allah said in 
>        Qur'an, the Prophet said in the hadith, and/or what the honorable imams said 
>        reported. I called this work:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Osman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Saya tanya satu soalan yang simple, tapi jawapannya berjela-jela dan
> > dimasukkan pula watak-watak yang di luar scope soalan.
> >
> > Sheikh Hisham Kabbani berasal dari Lubnan. Keluarganya ialah dari keluarga
> > terhormat di Lubnan, dan saya diberitahu mufti Lubnan sekarang ialah dari
> > keluarga beliau. Beliau berguru dengan Maulana Sheikh Nazim al Haqqani,
> > mufti di Cyprus. Maulana Sheikh Nazim pula mempunyai silsilah guru-guru
> > yang tak putus sejak Rasulullah s.a.w.
> >
> > Sekarang boleh saya tanya dari mana asalnya Sheikh Munajid, di mana ia
> > tinggal sekarang, siapakah gurunya, dan adakah gurunya mempunyai silsilah
> > guru-guru yang tak putus sejak Rasulullah s.a.w.?
> >
> > Osman Mia
> > http://dimashq.hypermart.net/osman/
> >
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