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"UnrESOLVED PROBLEMS: RAPE IN KOSOVO"    Fox News: Bill O'Reilly, The 
O'Reilly Factor, 6/24/1999    Partial Transcript:    O'REILLY: In the 
Unresolved Problems Segment tonight,  American FBI agents have now arrived 
in the Balkans to   document war crimes, and one of those crimes is rape,   
much of it allegedly done by the occupying Serb army and the   police. But 
when a woman is raped in Kosovo, in the Balkans,  she is not only a victim. 
She can become an outcast.     Joining us now from Sacramento is Parvin 
Darabi, the author  of the book "Rage Against the Veil." Explain to us among 
Muslim   Kosovar women what is the problem as far as saying, "Look, I jus  t 
got violated. It was a terrible crime committed against me.  " Why can't 
that happen as it does happen in the West?     PARVIN DARABI, DR. HOMA 
DARABI FOUNDATION: Well, the problem  comes from the Arab and Islamic 
tradition or culture that, if a woman gets  raped, it is her fault because 
she provoked it or she was somehow involved in  this.     O'REILLY: But that 
can't possibly be the mindset in Kosovo  where everyone knows the Serb army 
was in charge in brutalizing the people.  How could anyone think that?     
DARABI: Well, the thing is that the woman should have killed  herself before 
she got raped because rape is considered the violation of the  man's honor, 
man's dignity, man's socialist standing, and man's moral  standing.     
Everything with the man has to do -- is linked to the woman's  vagina, and 
that...     O'REILLY: But sure -- OK, but surely -- surely any  
clear-thinking human being would know it's not the woman's fault if soldiers 
drag  her away. Surely they would know that.     DARABI: Well -- but this is 
also in the Islamic tradition. A  woman that gets raped should commit 
suicide, and if she  doesn't commit suicide, then she values her own life 
above   the honor of the family.     O'REILLY: So, Ms. Darabi, you're saying 
to me that women are  expected to commit suicide if they are raped by...     
DARABI: Exactly. Exactly. It is -- it's the worst thing that  can happen. 
This -- because a woman -- like, for instance, if a woman  gets cancer, then 
that is something done to her alone, and she dies. But when  she gets raped, 
she has done something to the whole family, to the family  honor, to the 
family dignity, to the family socialist standing, and so on  and so forth. 
So, if she can then commit suicide, then she would wash this  shame off with 
her blood, and then the family can restore their dignity.     O'REILLY: Are 
you -- are you telling me that in the world today that   this is the 
predominant thinking in Muslim countries all over the  world?     DARABI: 
All over the world in Muslim countries, this is the way things are.     
O'REILLY: Ugh.     DARABI: Women should protect their vagina in a...     
O'REILLY: Until the death.     DARABI: Until the death...       IMMEDIATE 
ACTIONS REQUESTED: (As always, be FIRM but POLITE.    Hostile comments can 
and will be used to harm the image of the Muslim  community and of Islam.)   
  Contact Bill O'Reilly, the program's host, to ask that the  record be set 
straight. REMEMBER - The guest made the remarks, not Mr.  O'Reilly. Request 
that a knowledgeable guest appear on his program to outline  the real 
Islamic viewpoint on this sensitive issue.    Bill O'Reilly    The O'Reilly 
Factor    URL: http://www.foxnews.com/oreilly/    E-MAIL: 
   TALKING POINTS:     1. Rape is a traumatic occurrence for individuals and 
families in any faith   or culture. Attitudes described by the guest occur 
in spite of Islam, not   because of it.    2. Islam specifically prohibits 
suicide.    3. Nowhere in Islam can a victim be blamed for a crime.    4. 
The guest was obviously using this sensitive issue to promote her book   and 
to carry out a personal vendetta against Islam.      WHO IS PARVIN DARABI? 
(Please DO NOT try to contact Ms. Darabi directly.   From her writings it is 
clear she is not about to change her opinions.)    A sample of the material 
from her foundation's home page:     "ISLAM & PROPHET MOHAMMED"    "Koran 
which most Moslems call it Prophet Mohammed's only  miracle was written by 
Osman sixty years following the death of the  Prophet. Therefore, the Holly 
book of Koran is nothing but a collection of 'I  heard him say.' All my life 
I was told that Mohammed who was illiterate went  to a mountain and when he 
came out he had written Koran. Researching this  incredible miracle I 
realized that it was the biggest lie ever told."    ...at age fifty-eight 
the great Prophet, the defender of women's rights   raped a nine year old 
child...    "...Then he married anywhere between 29 to 45 more women...  
"...For centuries the Mullah's opposed the translation of Koran in any other 
   language. They said that Arabic was the language of God, and Koran must 
be   read in Arabic. The reason was to hide the truth..."
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