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American Muslims Asked to Pray for Palestinians - Demand Action from 
WASHINGTON, DC (9/26/96) - CAIR is calling on mosques and Islamic centers 
around America to hold prayers this Friday for those killed while protesting 
the opening of a tunnel near Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. The 
prayers, called salat al-ghaib, are performed for those who have died in a 
distant place.
1) CONDUCT SALAT AL-GHAIB PRAYERS following on Friday, September 26. Contact 
local media to have them cover the prayers. Call TV stations and talk to the 
"assignment desk." Contact "city editors" at newspapers and "news directors" 
at radio stations. Fax a copy of your salat al-ghaib news release to the 
"daybook editor" of the local Associated Press office. (Call CAIR to receive 
a sample news release.)
2) ISSUE A STATEMENT to the media at the prayers. Sample statement: "The 
Muslim community of [insert the name of your city, region or state] condemns 
the senseless killings of civilians who are only seeking to defend their 
religious and cultural rights in Jerusalem, a city holy to followers of 
Islam, Christianity and Judaism. American Muslims also call for the 
immediate closure of the tunnel opened near the foundations of one of 
Islam's holiest sites, the Haram ash-Sharif ("noble enclosure"), containing 
both Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. Most of the buildings above 
the tunnel belong to Muslims. These properties include sites of great 
historical, architectural and religious importance. The opening of this 
tunnel, the cause of the recent violence, could provide an opportunity for 
Jewish religious extremists to finally carry out the destruction of these 
sites they have attempted in the past. People of all faiths should recall 
the 1969 arson attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque, the foiled attempt to bomb the Dome 
of the Rock in the 1980s and the shooting deaths in 1990 of 17 Palestinians 
who challenged Jewish extremists when they sought to lay a 'cornerstone' at 
the holy sites. These were not isolated incidents, but are the result of an 
ideology that seeks to erase all traces of Islam in Jerusalem. Muslim and 
Christian Palestinians are routinely barred by Israel from religious sites 
in Jerusalem. The secretive nature of the tunnel's opening also demonstrates 
a disrespect for places of worship and reveals an intention to covertly 
alter the status of the city in favor of one faith. This, and other Israeli 
measures against Palestinian culture, indicate a lack of commitment to a 
just peace in the region. Israel's unilateral action, taken in contravention 
of international laws prohibiting occupiers from making fundamental changes 
in the territories they control, can only serve to increase tensions in the 
Middle East and throughout the Muslim world. We condemn this flagrant attack 
on religious rights and sensibilities."
2) RAISE THIS ISSUE with any interfaith groups in your area. Ask that these 
groups take a public position on the crisis. These groups have asked Muslims 
to take stands on other issues. It is now their turn to act.
3) SEND DONATIONS to help those who are suffering under occupation. Every 
mosque should ask each person for at least one dollar.
Donations may be sent to the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and 
Development, P.O. Box 83290, Richardson, Texas, 75083-2390. TEL: 
214-699-9868 FAX: 214-699-0198
4) CONTACT PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON, The White House, Washington, D.C., 
20500 Tel: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461
EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Demand that he condemn the killings and put 
pressure on the Israeli government to close the tunnel. The U.S. has veto 
power over such actions because of the more than $5 billion in grants, 
interest and loan guarantees sent by American taxpayers to Israel each year. 
President Clinton must use this power to stop the killing. Fax copies of 
your letters to CAIR.
5) CONTACT CANDIDATES for public office to ask that they call for the 
tunnel's closure and condemn the deaths of innocent civilians. Bob
Dole: TEL: 202-414-6400 FAX: 202-408-9468 WEB: http://www.dole96.com
6) CONSIDER STAGING A LOCAL DEMONSTRATION this weekend outside candidate's 
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