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"Dont be misled" by Kabbani and Chechen traitor, Chechen government 

by Hamza Al-Zenitsawi
Islamic Research Institute

Hisham Kabbani seems to seek out controversy with the same passion 
that other public figures flee from it. 

The California-based guru of an offshoot of the Naqshbandi sect of 
Sufism once defended U.S. military strikes on Iraq, provoking an 
Internet furor. At one event held at the US State Department in 
January of 1999, Kabbani warned government officials of a "big 
threat" emanating from American mosques, claiming that eighty percent 
of those mosques are controlled by "extremist ideology." 

Kabbani went on to predict that America's largest national Muslim 
student organization might carry out terrorist strikes on 
universities with nuclear weapons procured through Usama Bin 
Laden. "You don't know, these students, what they are going to do, 
because their way of thinking is brainwashed and limited," Kabbani 

Those remarks prompted a joint statement by the leaders of the eight 
largest national Muslim organizations, demanding that Kabbani 
apologize or face a boycott by the American Muslim community. That 
apology hasn't come, and Kabbani is still generally shunned. 

The Sufi leader's latest foray into controversy involves his decision 
to invite Ahmed Kadyrov, head of Russia's puppet regime in Chechnya 
and recipient of a death sentence by Chechnya's high court for 
treason, for a breakfast meeting.   The event is scheduled to take 
place on August 19 at the Washington, DC office of Kabbani's self-
styled "Islamic Supreme Council of America" (ISCA). 

In an invitation letter sent to several Islamic organizations, ISCA 
lawyer Sophia Shaikh crowed that their guest of honor was "officially 
recognized by Putin's regime as the authorized representative of the 
Chechen people," and described Hisham Kabbani as Kadyrov's "spiritual 
and religious advisor." 

Moreover, ISCA's letter makes the ridiculous claim that Kadyrov is "a 
close personal friend of current Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov." 
This of course comes as a great surprise to President Maskhadov. In a 
videotaped statement last month, he called Kadyrov "the main enemy of 
the Chechen people." 

"The people will appreciate the services of the one who manages to 
remove him more than all the heroic deeds performed by Chechen 
fighters in all wars in the course of the last 400 years," Pres. 
Maskhadov said. 

In response to Kabbani's hosting of Kadyrov, the Government of 
Chechnya has taken the extraordinary step of issuing a statement 
denouncing the visit, warning "American friends of the Chechen people 
not to be misled by Mr. Kadyrov and those who decided to support 

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria 
finds it totally unacceptable that [ISCA] decided to support Mr 
Kadyrov, who is directly responsible for the genocide of the Chechen 
people," said Ilyas Akhmadov, Chechnya's foreign minister, in an 
statement released on August 12. "Mr. Kadyrov has organized several 
assassination attempts against President Aslan Maskhadov, and he is 
wanted by the Chechen Law Enforcement Agencies on several charges 
varying from treason to attempted murder." 

Akhmadov also revealed that "the State Security Service of the ChRI 
has obtained reliable evidence proving that Mr. Kadyrov has long been 
working for the Russian FSB [the successor agency to the KGB] and has 
a rank of colonel of the FSB and a covering name 'Adam'." 

The idea that a Muslim organization would associate itself with the 
bloody Russian campaign in Chechnya is bizarre, but Kabbani has 
already courted controversy on this subject. 

An earlier battle on the Internet between Kabbani's followers and his 
opponents was sparked by an Itar-Tass interview with Kabbani. The 
Russian news agency said: "Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, speaking 
in an interview with Itar-Tass here on Tuesday, expressed support for 
actions of federal Russian authorities."  A Kabbani spokesman claimed 
at the time his leader's words were misrepresented by the reporter. 

Most Muslims know of Russia's brutal campaign to crush Chechnya's 
independence movement. Russia continues to draw international 
condemnation for its machine gunning of Chechen civilians, 
indiscriminate bombing, and "filtration camps" where soldiers 
systematically rape and torture Chechen civilians. 

But those who have not been closely following Russia's war on 
Chechnya might not appreciate the outrage felt by the Chechen 
government over Kabbani's courting of Kadyrov. For the benefit of the 
uninitiated, we offer this background on the Chechen quisling and his 
efforts on behalf of the Russian military. 

Kadyrov, formerly Chechnya's mufti, outwardly took the side of the 
Chechens during their first war of independence in the 1990's. After 
expelling the Russians from Grozny at the end of that war, however, 
the Chechen secret service captured documents indicating that Kadyrov 
was a Russian agent. 

The elected Chechen government became uneasier with Kadyrov when his 
gunmen began forcing residents at gunpoint to publicly declare they 
were not "Wahhabis" ("Wahhabi" is the Russian government's propaganda 
term for Muslims who seek the implementation of Shariah, or Islamic 
law). Reffering to this, the Chechen Foreign Minister said in his 
statement on ISCA that Kadyrov was "directly responsible for 
deliberately creating religious intolerance and extreme tensions 
among Chechens from 1996 to 1999." 

The mufti's militant opposition to Shariah brought him further into 
conflict with the Chechen government. 

He clashed with then-President Zelimkhan Yandarbiev over his 
replacement of Chechnya's secular courts with an Islamic judicial 
system. "Yandarbiev liquidated practically all of the civil courts 
and introduced Shari'ah courts," Kadyrov complained in an 
interview. "Many people still remember how the whole world was 
horrified when people were publicly executed according to the verdict 
of a Shari'ah court." 

Kadyrov's actions left Chechnya's government wondering about his 
reliability. Their suspicions were well founded. When the Russians 
launched their second offensive against Chechnya in October 1999, the 
administration of Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov told the Russian 
daily Kommersant, "We will not be very surprised if [Kadyrov's 
militia] turns out to be loyal to the Russian federal forces." 
Kadyrov proved Maskhadov right by helping the Russians take 
Chechnya's second largest city, Gudermes, without a shot being fired. 

"The [Russian] federal forces have simply found a powerful ally in 
the person of Kadyrov," wrote Kommersant at the time. Maskhadov 
promptly stripped Kadyrov of his title of Mufti of Chechnya. 

Initially, Kadyrov's main role after switching sides was to serve the 
Russian cause by trying to chip away at the Chechen fighters' high 

"Maskhadovs, Basayevs, Udugovs deceive you and earn fortunes on your 
blood," Kadyrov told the embattled Chechens in a Jummah radio 
address. "Think better and return to peaceful life."  He even 
participated in a New Years Eve awards ceremony in Gudermes, looking 
on approvingly as acting Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin 
awarded hunting knives to Russian soldiers in celebration of 
their "bravery" against Chechen fighters. 

Kadyrov was eventually rewarded for his betrayal when Putin installed 
him as head of the Russian puppet government in Chechnya. Kadyrov 
quickly made it clear he would tolerate no talk of Chechen 

"Hence my task and objective," he told Novaya Gazeta, "…to prevent 
[the Chechen people] from being tricked again with all this talk of 
sovereignty and freedom, which they have never had and which nobody 
will ever give them. Actually, an ordinary person …does not need 
freedom. An ordinary person needs work, salary, and security." 

The interviewer asked: "…Does it mean that while you head the 
administration, the idea of Chechnya's sovereignty will not even be 
discussed?" Kadyrov's curt reply: "No more discussions. No more such 

Naturally, Kadyrov's actions earned him the anger of the Chechen 
people. Although he is a leader in name, like all puppets installed 
by an occupying force, he enjoys virtually no popular legitimacy. "In 
the absence of mass support among the local population, Russian 
military officials remain, for now, his chief allies," wrote 

Speaking to the Chechen Parliament, Maskhadov called Kadyrov "the 
traitor of the century, who has done all he can for Russia's 
intervention into Chechnya."  In a televised speech in November, 
Maskhadov called Kadyrov "the main perpetrator of the new war…Kadyrov 
had repeatedly attempted to unleash a civil war in Chechnya on 
various pretexts, splitting the people on a religious basis…the 
special services had been ordered to arrest Kadyrov and punish him in 
accordance with the laws of wartime." 

In a July interview with Azerbaijan's ANS TV, Shamil Basayev, a top 
commander of the Islamic army in Chechnya, had this to say: 

"Firstly, his surname is not Kadyrov, but Kafyrov…there should be 
an 'f' instead of 'd' ["kaffir" is the Islamic term for disbeliever]. 
Secondly, the fact that he was appointed as the chief puppet says 
firstly that the Russians…threw off all their masks, and brought all 
their agents to the front line, too." 

Likewise, Kadyrov harbors a deep hatred for the President of 
Chechnya, calling him "a cowardly person" and "traitorous."  "He is a 
nobody," says Kadyrov. "Maskhadov should officially resign. That's 
all. He should say, 'I'm sorry I turned out to be so incompetent.' 
And let him go to his son in Malaysia then. Forever.'"

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