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Ini Hamza Al-Zenitsawi Ulamak ke??  Ahli Falsafah?? Arab jual batu Ke?? Arab 
Wahabi memang kuat penipuannya!! Suka cakap bohong.!!

Kalau baca betul-betul between the lines you'll find lots of contradictions. 
This guy Hamza Al-Zenitsawi is amateurish.

>From: Abdul Rahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 00:03:16 +0800
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>"Dont be misled" by Kabbani and Chechen traitor, Chechen government
>by Hamza Al-Zenitsawi
>Islamic Research Institute
>Hisham Kabbani seems to seek out controversy with the same passion
>that other public figures flee from it.
>The California-based guru of an offshoot of the Naqshbandi sect of
>Sufism once defended U.S. military strikes on Iraq, provoking an
>Internet furor. At one event held at the US State Department in
>January of 1999, Kabbani warned government officials of a "big
>threat" emanating from American mosques, claiming that eighty percent
>of those mosques are controlled by "extremist ideology."
>Kabbani went on to predict that America's largest national Muslim
>student organization might carry out terrorist strikes on
>universities with nuclear weapons procured through Usama Bin
>Laden. "You don't know, these students, what they are going to do,
>because their way of thinking is brainwashed and limited," Kabbani
>Those remarks prompted a joint statement by the leaders of the eight
>largest national Muslim organizations, demanding that Kabbani
>apologize or face a boycott by the American Muslim community. That
>apology hasn't come, and Kabbani is still generally shunned.
>The Sufi leader's latest foray into controversy involves his decision
>to invite Ahmed Kadyrov, head of Russia's puppet regime in Chechnya
>and recipient of a death sentence by Chechnya's high court for
>treason, for a breakfast meeting.   The event is scheduled to take
>place on August 19 at the Washington, DC office of Kabbani's self-
>styled "Islamic Supreme Council of America" (ISCA).
>In an invitation letter sent to several Islamic organizations, ISCA
>lawyer Sophia Shaikh crowed that their guest of honor was "officially
>recognized by Putin's regime as the authorized representative of the
>Chechen people," and described Hisham Kabbani as Kadyrov's "spiritual
>and religious advisor."
>Moreover, ISCA's letter makes the ridiculous claim that Kadyrov is "a
>close personal friend of current Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov."
>This of course comes as a great surprise to President Maskhadov. In a
>videotaped statement last month, he called Kadyrov "the main enemy of
>the Chechen people."
>"The people will appreciate the services of the one who manages to
>remove him more than all the heroic deeds performed by Chechen
>fighters in all wars in the course of the last 400 years," Pres.
>Maskhadov said.
>In response to Kabbani's hosting of Kadyrov, the Government of
>Chechnya has taken the extraordinary step of issuing a statement
>denouncing the visit, warning "American friends of the Chechen people
>not to be misled by Mr. Kadyrov and those who decided to support
>"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
>finds it totally unacceptable that [ISCA] decided to support Mr
>Kadyrov, who is directly responsible for the genocide of the Chechen
>people," said Ilyas Akhmadov, Chechnya's foreign minister, in an
>statement released on August 12. "Mr. Kadyrov has organized several
>assassination attempts against President Aslan Maskhadov, and he is
>wanted by the Chechen Law Enforcement Agencies on several charges
>varying from treason to attempted murder."
>Akhmadov also revealed that "the State Security Service of the ChRI
>has obtained reliable evidence proving that Mr. Kadyrov has long been
>working for the Russian FSB [the successor agency to the KGB] and has
>a rank of colonel of the FSB and a covering name 'Adam'."
>The idea that a Muslim organization would associate itself with the
>bloody Russian campaign in Chechnya is bizarre, but Kabbani has
>already courted controversy on this subject.
>An earlier battle on the Internet between Kabbani's followers and his
>opponents was sparked by an Itar-Tass interview with Kabbani. The
>Russian news agency said: "Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, speaking
>in an interview with Itar-Tass here on Tuesday, expressed support for
>actions of federal Russian authorities."  A Kabbani spokesman claimed
>at the time his leader's words were misrepresented by the reporter.
>Most Muslims know of Russia's brutal campaign to crush Chechnya's
>independence movement. Russia continues to draw international
>condemnation for its machine gunning of Chechen civilians,
>indiscriminate bombing, and "filtration camps" where soldiers
>systematically rape and torture Chechen civilians.
>But those who have not been closely following Russia's war on
>Chechnya might not appreciate the outrage felt by the Chechen
>government over Kabbani's courting of Kadyrov. For the benefit of the
>uninitiated, we offer this background on the Chechen quisling and his
>efforts on behalf of the Russian military.
>Kadyrov, formerly Chechnya's mufti, outwardly took the side of the
>Chechens during their first war of independence in the 1990's. After
>expelling the Russians from Grozny at the end of that war, however,
>the Chechen secret service captured documents indicating that Kadyrov
>was a Russian agent.
>The elected Chechen government became uneasier with Kadyrov when his
>gunmen began forcing residents at gunpoint to publicly declare they
>were not "Wahhabis" ("Wahhabi" is the Russian government's propaganda
>term for Muslims who seek the implementation of Shariah, or Islamic
>law). Reffering to this, the Chechen Foreign Minister said in his
>statement on ISCA that Kadyrov was "directly responsible for
>deliberately creating religious intolerance and extreme tensions
>among Chechens from 1996 to 1999."
>The mufti's militant opposition to Shariah brought him further into
>conflict with the Chechen government.
>He clashed with then-President Zelimkhan Yandarbiev over his
>replacement of Chechnya's secular courts with an Islamic judicial
>system. "Yandarbiev liquidated practically all of the civil courts
>and introduced Shari'ah courts," Kadyrov complained in an
>interview. "Many people still remember how the whole world was
>horrified when people were publicly executed according to the verdict
>of a Shari'ah court."
>Kadyrov's actions left Chechnya's government wondering about his
>reliability. Their suspicions were well founded. When the Russians
>launched their second offensive against Chechnya in October 1999, the
>administration of Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov told the Russian
>daily Kommersant, "We will not be very surprised if [Kadyrov's
>militia] turns out to be loyal to the Russian federal forces."
>Kadyrov proved Maskhadov right by helping the Russians take
>Chechnya's second largest city, Gudermes, without a shot being fired.
>"The [Russian] federal forces have simply found a powerful ally in
>the person of Kadyrov," wrote Kommersant at the time. Maskhadov
>promptly stripped Kadyrov of his title of Mufti of Chechnya.
>Initially, Kadyrov's main role after switching sides was to serve the
>Russian cause by trying to chip away at the Chechen fighters' high
>"Maskhadovs, Basayevs, Udugovs deceive you and earn fortunes on your
>blood," Kadyrov told the embattled Chechens in a Jummah radio
>address. "Think better and return to peaceful life."  He even
>participated in a New Years Eve awards ceremony in Gudermes, looking
>on approvingly as acting Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
>awarded hunting knives to Russian soldiers in celebration of
>their "bravery" against Chechen fighters.
>Kadyrov was eventually rewarded for his betrayal when Putin installed
>him as head of the Russian puppet government in Chechnya. Kadyrov
>quickly made it clear he would tolerate no talk of Chechen
>"Hence my task and objective," he told Novaya Gazeta, "…to prevent
>[the Chechen people] from being tricked again with all this talk of
>sovereignty and freedom, which they have never had and which nobody
>will ever give them. Actually, an ordinary person …does not need
>freedom. An ordinary person needs work, salary, and security."
>The interviewer asked: "…Does it mean that while you head the
>administration, the idea of Chechnya's sovereignty will not even be
>discussed?" Kadyrov's curt reply: "No more discussions. No more such
>Naturally, Kadyrov's actions earned him the anger of the Chechen
>people. Although he is a leader in name, like all puppets installed
>by an occupying force, he enjoys virtually no popular legitimacy. "In
>the absence of mass support among the local population, Russian
>military officials remain, for now, his chief allies," wrote
>Speaking to the Chechen Parliament, Maskhadov called Kadyrov "the
>traitor of the century, who has done all he can for Russia's
>intervention into Chechnya."  In a televised speech in November,
>Maskhadov called Kadyrov "the main perpetrator of the new war…Kadyrov
>had repeatedly attempted to unleash a civil war in Chechnya on
>various pretexts, splitting the people on a religious basis…the
>special services had been ordered to arrest Kadyrov and punish him in
>accordance with the laws of wartime."
>In a July interview with Azerbaijan's ANS TV, Shamil Basayev, a top
>commander of the Islamic army in Chechnya, had this to say:
>"Firstly, his surname is not Kadyrov, but Kafyrov…there should be
>an 'f' instead of 'd' ["kaffir" is the Islamic term for disbeliever].
>Secondly, the fact that he was appointed as the chief puppet says
>firstly that the Russians…threw off all their masks, and brought all
>their agents to the front line, too."
>Likewise, Kadyrov harbors a deep hatred for the President of
>Chechnya, calling him "a cowardly person" and "traitorous."  "He is a
>nobody," says Kadyrov. "Maskhadov should officially resign. That's
>all. He should say, 'I'm sorry I turned out to be so incompetent.'
>And let him go to his son in Malaysia then. Forever.'"
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