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Alert #131
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 3/13/97) - Next Tuesday, March 18, the Transportation and 
Related Agencies Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee will 
hold a hearing on funding for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The 
funding will pay for recent recommendations sent to the President by the 
White House Commission on Airport Safety and Security. Over objections from 
CAIR, the ACLU and numerous other civil rights groups, the Commission 
recommended the implementation of passenger "profiling." Profiling involves 
singling out passengers who may pose a security threat. CAIR believes 
profiling unfairly targets Muslims, Arabs and people with Muslim-sounding 
names, based on prejudice and stereotyping.

(The Commission's complete report may be found on the Internet at 
http://www.aviationcommission.dot.gov.) CAIR and the American-Arab 
Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) have received numerous reports from 
American Muslim travelers indicating that discrimination at airports is 
becoming more widespread, particularly on international flights. Muslims 
have been stopped and searched, apparently because of their "looks," names 
or travel destinations. Passengers reporting harassment include the elderly 
and even families traveling with children. Increased security measures have 
included humiliating public searches, strip searches and the dumping of 
luggage onto floors of public areas. Although an FAA spokesperson tell CAIR 
that singling out travelers based on race, religion or ethnicity would be a 
"misapplication" of the profiling system, the increasing number of reports 
are a serious cause of concern. Despite requests from CAIR, the FAA will not 
reveal its criteria for passenger profiling. The White House Commission did 
adopt some civil liberties safeguards on profiling recommended by an 
advisory panel that included a CAIR representative. Unfortunately, despite 
these recommended safeguards, CAIR continues to receive reports of 
discrimination at airports.

"This harassment will continue until we demand that it be stopped. It has 
nothing to do with suspicious activity; it is based on stereotypes," said 
CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad. Awad added that a strong public response 
at the subcommittee level can have an impact on funding for the profiling 

ACTIONS REQUESTED: (Be FIRM, but POLITE. Hostile calls and letters are 

1) Call, write and e-mail Representative Frank R. Wolf, Chairman, 
Transportation and Related Agencies Subcommittee, 241 Cannon House Office 
Building, Washington, DC, 20515 TEL: 202-225-5136 FAX: 202-225-0437 HOME 
PAGE/E-MAIL: http://www.house.gov/wolf. Rep. Wolf is a Republican from 
Northern Virginia. Muslims in that area should make an extra effort to 
contact his office. Suggest questions that Rep. Wolf should raise about 
profiling criteria and about how the civil liberties of ALL travelers will 
be guaranteed. Share your experiences of discrimination or harassment and 
ask that funds not be allocated unless civil liberties protections are 

2) If you believe you have been unfairly singled out for a security check:
a) Ask to speak to the head of security for the airline on which you are 
b) Take detailed notes indicating who you spoke to, what was said, what 
flight you were scheduled to take, and how your were treated. Ask for the 
badge numbers and employee ID numbers of the security personnel involved.
c) Identify witnesses who may be contacted at a later date.
d) Ask the security personnel to give you specific reasons why you were 
singled out.
e) Make a formal report of any such incidents to CAIR. CAIR will in turn 
file reports with the FAA.

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