Sept 5, 2000

Be mentally prepared for 'Ops Lalang', DAP warns

K Kabilan
12.15pm, TUES: Opposition leaders and social activists must be prepared to
sacrifice for the country in foregoing their freedom in the event they are
rounded up by the government in a second round of Operasi Lalang, said DAP
leader Lim Kit Siang today.
They must be mentally prepared for the operation "because of their highest
love and patriotism for Malaysia in wanting to restore justice, freedom,
democracy and good governance for all Malaysians and future generations",
said Lim.
Lim was clarifying his comments yesterday that a second Operasi Lalang will
not be easy for the government due to a closer working relationship based on
a common ground to form good governance between DAP and PAS (Not easy to
recreate conditions for 'Ops Lalang' crackdown
, Sept
However, the government will still opt for drastic action for their
political salvation, Lim warned, adding that the government would pay a
higher politic! al price for such an operation than in 1987 - when the first
Operasi Lalang was mounted following political and ethnic tensions in the
The operation led to the mass arrests of over 100 opposition leaders and
social activists and the suspension of several newspapers for publishing
allegedly sensitive issues.
Another similar operation will destroy all political credibility of prime
minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and will be seen as the "final symbol of his
political oppression and authoritarianism", said Lim.
"It will also fatally destroy the political credibility and credentials of
deputy prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as the right and proper leader
to lead the country in the new century."
Lim said Mahathir should call for a meeting involving all political parties
to reach a new consensus to defuse the racial and religious tensions in the
Mahathir should also give an assurance that he would not resort to a secon! d
Operasi Lalang on his return from overseas (he is in the US now on a
five-day working visit ending tomorrow) to resolve the greatest political
crisis in his life, Lim added.


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