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What is Azzam Publications? 

Azzam Publications is an independent media organisation providing authentic news and 
information about Jihad and the Foreign Mujahideen everywhere. It comprises a handful 
of individuals who volunteer their spare time without getting paid to convey authentic 
news to the World about these matters.

Where is Azzam Publications based?

Azzam Publications is based entirely on the Internet, although it has a post box 
address in London, United Kingdom. We do not have an office or street address.

Who funds Azzam Publications?

With the exception of web space and minor printing costs that rarely exceed a few 
hundred dollars every year, Azzam Publications does not have any costs that require 
external funding. The costs mentioned here are met by the volunteers themselves and 
through proceeds of books and audio cassettes that we sell..

Can I visit Azzam Publications?

Yes, as we are based entirely on the Internet, anyone with access to the Internet can 
visit us. If you mean, a visit in person, then no, it is not possible to visit us 
since we do not have an office or street address.

Do you have any circles, meetings or conferences?

We are only a media organisation and therefore we do not hold any circles, meetings or 

Can Azzam Publications provide me with contact names, addresses and telephone numbers 
to enable me to get to a land of Jihad such as Afghanistan or Chechnya? 

As we mentioned above, we are only a media organisation and we do not provide 
information for anyone wishing to go to a land of Jihad. Perhaps interested parties 
can try asking BBC or CNN to provide them with contact details to reach Mujahideen in 
Chechnya or Afghanistan and see what they say.

Can Azzam Publications provide me with details where I can find information and 
manuals on home-made explosives on the Internet? 

We are a media organisation and not an Internet search engine. Anyone who wishes to 
locate the above information can easily go to any search engine and find it themselves.

Where does the name 'Azzam Publications' come from? 

The name 'Azzam Publications' is named after Dr Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian 
scholar instrumental in reviving Jihad in the 20th Century. He was assassinated, 
allegedly in a joint plot by the CIA and KGB, in Peshawar in 1989. His full biography 
can be found here.

Why do you not accept credit-cards for ordering your products? 

Setting-up and maintaining an e-commerce site efficiently requires resources and time 
that we do not have. Therefore, we only accept cash as payment. 

Can I at least make payment by transferring funds into your bank account? 

For the same reasons mentioned above (lack of time and resources), we do not have a 
bank account.

There are other sites on the Internet carrying the name Azzam or its variants. Do 
these sites have anything to do with Azzam Publications? 

No, www.qoqaz.net and its mirrors is the only site on the Internet connected with 
Azzam Publications.

How do I become a member of Azzam Publications? 

Azzam Publications is a media outlet; it is not a new Islamic group. Therefore, it is 
not possible to join Azzam Publications.

Why is the content on azzam.com predominantly about Jihad when the Prophet (SAWS) did 
not only speak about Jihad? 

Since the number of sites on the Internet dealing exclusively about Jihad are very 
small in number, we have taken this obligation upon ourselves. We do not consider it 
efficient to include other Islamic content on our web-site when there are already many 
other excellent Islamic sites doing a better job than we could do. We have linked to 
some of these sites in our Links section.

I know some members of Azzam Publications. Can I purchase products directly from them? 

As we mentioned above, Azzam Publications is only a media outlet on the Internet. It 
is not a group, it does not have members and it does not have an office. If someone 
claims to be part of or know someone who is a member of Azzam Publications, then they 
are lying.

Can I arrange an interview with some of the people behind Azzam Publications? 

No, we do not have the time for such interviews and nor do we see this exercise as 
beneficial. You may send us your questions by e-mail and we can attempt, without 
promising, to answer them for you.

Why are your products not available in Islamic bookstores like all other Islamic 

Our products are already sold at a very low price and are not sold for profit. We have 
not left any profit margin for resellers. Furthermore, our lack of resources means 
that we cannot offer credit to resellers nor efficiently administrate such 
arrangements. Although we consider it unfair to ask someone to sell our products with 
no profit to themselves, if someone does wish to purchase large quantities of our 
products for reselling purposes, please contact us. However, we would not be able to 
offer you a substantial discount for bulk purchases.

How can I help Azzam Publications? 

There are a number of ways you can help us; some of these are listed below:

By visiting our web-site once a week, checking for news and updates

By purchasing all our products

By informing all your friends, relatives and contacts about our site.

By linking to www.azzam.com from your web-site

By advertising our web-site in your publications, newsletters and leaflets

By informing us of any spelling and grammatical mistakes in our web-site

By informing us of any broken links in our web-site

By helping to advertise our products on your mosque and Islamic Society prayer room 

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