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 betul mmg ramai org kat Hizbi ni faham BM..sblm ni saya reply dgn English
sebab yg menghantar email kpd saya pon English.........sekarang kita
berdiskusi dlm BM pulak......
jika tuan2 cuba menilai Yahudi dgn melihat Israel..tuan2 sudah silap
Yahudi yg sebenarnya bukanlah Israel...atau pun PM Israel...atau Parlimen
Yahudi di England, dan bukan Universal Israelite Alliance yg berpusat di
Paris, Mereka semua ni adalah boneka bagi satu organisasi yg dipanggil
"Three Hundred Men", sekelompok Yahudi yg paling berkuasa dan memerintah di
balik tabir.....tiada sesipapa pun yg mengenali mereka .....tidak ada
publisiti bagi mereka....dan mereka melantik pengganti2 mereka bukan melalui
demokrasi (kerana mereka tahu keburukan yg besar di sebalik kebaikan yg
kelihatan pd zahirnya)....organisasi ini telah wujud sejak beratus
tahun..........merekalah Yahudi yg sebenarnya...merekalah yg merancang
segala dakyah2....Israel dan US itu hanya satu perkara enteng jika
dibandingkan dgn  Three Hundred Men ini........Israel tu hanya untuk
mengaburi mata dunia......hakikatnya merekalah pemerintah dunia yg
sebenar......sekali lagi terserlah kelicikan mereka.......patutlah nabi tak
amalkan demokrasi.....sesungguhnya nabi lebih mengetahui dan lagi bijak dari
kita........kita yg maju teknologi pun tak sebijak Nabi yg hidup 1000 thn yg
lalu.....racun Yahudi
telah meresap dgn begitu mendalam dlm hidup umat Islam......ia ibarat
sejenis dadah yg mengkhayalkan yg membuat org berbunuhan sesama sendiri
sedangkan mereka tidak menyedarinya........
sekarang ni jika kita cadangkan penghapusan demokrasi...tentu teruk kita
diketuk saudara2 Islam yg lain......apa
nak buat...kita terlalu alpa dlm hal2 macam nie......

--[ ORaNG MuDE ]--
----- Original Message -----
From: salam sejahtera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2000 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to

> Assalamu'alaikum,
> 1. Yahudi tak guna sistem demokrasi mereka cipta, yakni demokrasi? Kurang
> tepat tu. Di Israel mereka pakai demokrasi apa? Kan ke Israel tu negara
> Yahudi? Yang tak pakai demokrasi macam Saudi tu. Kat Malaysia ni yang Si
> pakai 'demo-aku-tak-kasi' (yakni duit royalti petrol).
> 2. Memandangkan ramai kat Hizbi-net ni faham BM (betul ke? saya pakai teka
> je ni), lebih elok dan afdal menulis dalam BM je le. Lagi ramai orang
> mesej kamu tu.
> Wassalam.
> >From: "luqman ismael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >CC: "Hizbi-Net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to
> >Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 00:26:23 +0800
> >
> >
> >  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> >  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net     }
> >  {        Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         }
> >  {        Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]     }
> >  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> >  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >akum brothers,
> >
> >yes...i know Abu Jahal dont take orders from Nabi....and so
> >with Nabi.....but what i tried to show from the story is we should
> >not give up in doin good things....correcting UMNO in this case.....
> >and I wont join other party.....why?....have u ever read book
> >written by anti-Zionism.....if u havent i suggest u to read
> >International Jews...written by Henry Ford.....in this book...it 's
> >clearly that democracy is a tool of the Jews......Jews created many
> >like democracy, liberalism, communism...but they never use them....
> >they created such system just to disunite the umat.........and it
> >seems that they managed to achieve that objective in our country......if
> >look back at
> >Muslim Empire....none of them practise democracy....instead they practise
> >syura....
> >....i dont want to help those bloody Jews in achieving their target in
> >disuniting the umat.....so the best way is to stick with
> >them from inside...if we failed to bring improvement.......Madey will die
> >soon to....and people like us are going to replace them........
> >i have seen many people dying....but many of them recovered too.....by
> >correcting UMNO...the umat's unity will be
> >secured.........there's no point of joining another party just because
> >previous attempt to correct them failed.....
> >because if nobody wanna correct UMNO....UMNO and PAS will be against each
> >other forever...and this will
> >bring adverse effect to the umat.....we must think the unity of
> >the party....
> >furthermore.....in doing good things...Allah wont see the fruit...but He
> >will see how we achieve it.....whether we do it
> >for the unity of umat.......ok...now we think if PAS won the
> >Parlimen....will the umat be unite again?....hell no....
> >UMNO will be the opposition and will still go against PAS.....umat will
> >never be united......(good news for Jews...huh..?)
> >that's why the umat need people like them....to improve UMNO......i dont
> >care
> >if none of the opposition
> >want to help them or not.....we are doing it because of the umat.....we
> >will
> >still try to do our best ..even if Madey wanna kill us
> >because of it....we dont wanna run from the problem......(like many of us
> >did)....
> >nabi...in one of his Hadis said this umat will be doomed if they r afraid
> >of
> >death.....we dont afraid of Madey.....
> >we will continue DSA vision.....no matter what happen...this is the best
> >solution for umat.....patah tumbuh hilang berganti....
> >--[ ORaNG MuDE ]--
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >To: luqman ismael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 4:13 PM
> >Subject: Re: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Dear Brother,
> > >
> > > The issue of trying to improve UMNO from within has been mentioned
> > > times B4.
> > > You mentioned a number of times about the relationship of Muhammad SAW
> >and
> > > Abu Jahal.
> > >
> > > There is a big difference though.
> > > Abu Jahal did not get order from Muhammad SAW.
> > > Muhammad Rasulullah did not get order from Abu Jahal.
> > > They were mutually exclusive, they worked independent from each other.
> > >
> > > Muhammad Rasulullah never strengthen Abu Jahal and Abu Jahal never
> >his
> > > strength to Muhammad Rasulullah.
> > > They opposed to each other.
> > >
> > > The big problem here is when you are part of UMNO, inevitably, you
> > > support those who are seeking the destruction of Islam in a very
> > > way. You, as a grassroot supporter of that old man, will support him
> > > joining his party and lend support for all the moves that he is
> > >
> > > The old man lives and prospers until today due to support by people
> > > you, don't you know that ?
> > >
> > > Muhammad Rasulullah did not do things like that. He maintained his
> >position
> > > despite fierce opposition from people like Abu Jahal. When the
> > > wanted to compromise on matters pertaining faith, Muhammad Rasulullah
> > > responded with Al Kafirun, loud and clear.
> > >
> > > I beg you don't get into this illusion of improving UMNO from within.
> > > Join us, together we work towards a better living under the soon to be
> > > installed Islamic government.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >                     "luqman
> > >                     ismael"              To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >                     <luqmanz@time        cc:     "Hizbi-Net"
> > >                     .net.my>             Subject:     Re: H-Net* RE:
> >Star:No one can
> > >                     Sent by:             object to
> > >                     owner-hizb@hi
> > >                     zbi.net
> > >
> > >
> > >                     10/27/00
> > >                     01:10 PM
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> > >  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net     }
> > >  {        Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         }
> > >  {        Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]     }
> > >  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> > >  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > akum Sdr Najib,
> > >
> > > yes....i know some of the the leaders have negative mindset regarding
> > > islamic issues....but i dont believe if there's no one in UMNO
> > > is trying to achieve our DS Anwar visions........i know many  people
> > > in Pemuda UMNO who are having the same vision as him......but they
> > > dont wanna give up.....they still wanna correct UMNO from inside....
> > > that's why many of them r still in UMNO.......once we failed  ..that
> >doesnt
> > > mean
> > > we should stop.........our prophet taught us not to stop in correcting
> >our
> > > Muslim.......in his dakwah....
> > > nabi met Abu Jahal 97 times.......just to tell him the same
> >thing....Allah
> > > is your God....and Abu Jahal hit him many times because of it. but
> > > didnt give up until Abu Jahal's death......now is there anyone out
> > > (especially PAS)
> > > who is going to support those in UMNO who r having the same vision as
> > > Anwar....?......
> > > i dont think so.............but personally.....i think they must
> > > those in UMNO with that vision if
> > > they struggle for Islam because of Allah......if they struggle for
> >politic
> > > and power......then they dont need to.....
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 8:22 AM
> > > Subject: Re: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to
> > >
> > >
> > > I'm NAJIB. It is 2021/10/27  09:03:10.
> > > I'll reply on Re: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to of mail
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Dear Br. Luqman,
> > >
> > > I would like to make some comments regarding your opinion on hudud.
> > > First of all, I would encourage you to refer back to the past history
> > > of the Umno struggle since it's establishment.
> > > It did not mention and has never clearly defined its struggle to
> > > Islam in its
> > > true meaning. It has been the main ruling party since 40 years. 40
> > > is not a very short time if you really want to implement something in
> > > very
> > > systematic approach such as "menarik rambut dari tepung".
> > >
> > > Furthermore, there have been many remarks form its top leaders on many
> > > occations
> > > on islamic issues which potrayed their antagonistic mindsets on islam.
> > > One of the most austaunding statement is  from current PM on sunnah
> >nabi.
> > >
> > > I think you should realise the image of former deputy PM DS Anwar as
> > > reformer in umno especially on making changes from within on islamic
> >issues
> > > .
> > > His mission in umno to change umno from inside in order to make it
> > > "menarik rambut dari tepung". Where is he by now ?????????????????
> > >
> > >
> > > Regards
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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> > >  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > >
> > > Pengirim: "luqman ismael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
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