Title: The War on Islam / Enver Masud
THE WISDOM FUND: Activists' Library

Enver Masud, The War on Islam (ISBN: 0-9700011-0-X)

"$500 billion of unnecessary funding went to
fight the bogey of Islamic fundamentalism"

"exposes the hype about rogue states, Islamic terrorism
and human rights used to justify the war on Islam"

"an antidote to less-than-balanced media coverage
...from 1991 to 2000"

The War on Islam Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990 couldn't have come at a better time for the U.S. military-industrial complex.

With the end of the Cold War in 1989 -- with the American people anticipating a peace dividend -- the U.S. military-industrial complex found itself without major "enemies" to justify U.S. defense spending. Iraq's invasion provided the opportunity -- not only to justify defense spending, but also to seize control of Middle East oil.

This was just the beginning of a new wave of U.S. imperial expansion.

The U.S. imperial expansion follows the familiar British pattern of divide and rule. And, like the European conquests beginning in 1492, recent U.S. bombings of distant lands, and U.S.-led wars, have more to do with insatiable greed rather than legitimate concerns about U.S. security.

Under the guise of saving humanity, and preserving civil society, the U.S.-led NATO is assaulting the world -- causing death, destruction and misery. Little has changed since 1492, except the technology for fighting wars, and for demonizing the "enemy."

The War on Islam serves as an antidote to less-than-balanced U.S. media coverage of events affecting the Muslim world -- from the Gulf War of 1991 to the year 2000. It exposes the hype about "rogue states," "Islamic terrorism," and "human rights" used to justify the war on Islam.

Enver Masud

Mr. Enver Masud is founder of The Wisdom Fund which regularly hosts visitors from 70 countries. His articles on national and world affairs are published in newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and foreign countries.

An engineering management consultant, Mr. Masud has worked for the World Bank, EBRD and USAID in Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Latvia, Pakistan, Russia, Tanzania. He was at the forefront of innovation in the electric power industry, managed the U.S. National Power Grid Study, and received wide recognition for his efforts to expose waste in the electricity sector.

His father, M. N. Masud, was ambassador to Saudi Arabia, UNESCO Mission Chief in Indonesia, and worked with the leaders of India's independence movement -- Maulana Azad, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Mahatma Gandhi. His mother, Atiya Fatima, an educator, is descended from Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, and worked as a volunteer with Mother Teresa.

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