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Terbaca satu berita dari Patani dalam sebuah Forum Maya di Internet. Al-Fatihah buat 
Tuan Haji Amin Tohmina dan mereka-mereka yang ikhlas berjuang untuk menegakkan Islam 
dan membebaskan tanahair mereka dari cengkaman kuffar.

Akhukum Filjihad,



Al-Fatihah kepada Tuan Haji Amin Tohmina seorang Pemimpin Utama BERSATU (Barisan 
Bersatu Kemerdekaan Patani)  dan juga Pemimpin parti komponen, BRN (Barisan Revolusi 
Nasional). Beliau kembali Ke Rahmatullah diKota Baru pada pukul 6.30 petang tadi Hari 
Jumaat 4hb Mei 2001. Allahyarham menghabiskan seluruh umurnya didalam perjuangan 
membebas watannya dari cengkaman kafir Siam. 

Beliau diantara nama-nama yang dituntut Siam dari pihak berkuasa Malaysia pada tahun 
1998 dahulu dan terpaksa melarikan diri keluar negara buat sementara waktu 
bersama-sama rakan-rakanya yang lain. Beliau merupakan salah seorang Ahli Kabinet 
Kerajaan Buangan Patani.


February 27, 1998


Den's brother forced to flee
Going abroad under Malaysian pressure

Supawadee Susanpoolthong

Former deputy interior minister Den Tohmina, a Pattani MP from the New Aspiration 
Party, admitted yesterday that his elder brother Haji Amin Tohmina, allegedly a key 
separatist leader, was indirectly forced by the Malaysian government to leave the 
country following pressure from the Thai government.

The veteran politician said the move was quite unusual, noting that since deciding to 
take refuge in Malaysia 20 years ago, Haji Amin, former chairman of the Pattani 
Provincial Islamic Committee, has never been forced to leave the country.

"Malaysia put a lot of pressure on him and that caused his departure. This

kind of thing has never occurred before," noted the MP, whose father, Haji

Surong, a famous religious leader in Pattani during the 1950s, was mysteriously killed 
in 1957.

Mr Den said that Tohkhru Poh-ming, another religious leader from Pattani who went into 
self-imposed exile in 1981, was also forced to leave Malaysia after he became aware 
that his name was blacklisted as a separatist leader in an intelligence report given 
earlier to Malaysia by the Thai government.

The politician said Tohkhru Poh-ming was given details of the blacklist by a  senior 
official who worked at the Malaysian prime minister's office.

Mr Den said the religious leader had personally urged Haji Amin not to stay in 
Malaysia as he might face the same fate as Haji Da-oh Thanam, military leader of the 
New Pulo movement, who was secretly nabbed by Malaysian police and later handed over 
to the Thai government.

He asked the government in an interpellation during yesterday's House debate to 
clarify whether the government had given the blacklist to the Malaysian government.

He urged the government to be open-minded on the issue, noting that if no criminal 
record is found on the alleged separatists the government should not bother them.

Tohkhru Poh-ming, 65, is now residing in Sweden, leaving his two wives and 15 children 
behind, while Haji Amin is in Saudi Arabia.

Around 20 separatist leaders mostly from the Berzatu movement including its chairman 
Wan Sulaiman reportedly left Malaysia after Thailand and Malaysia stepped up border 
cooperation in January.

During the debate, Mr Den asked the premier about government measures to prevent 
separatists who gave themselves up from rejoining the movement and how to prevent 
local officials from abusing their authority.

He said he was concerned that local officials might resort to old tactics in accusing 
innocent people of being separatists.

Chuan Leekpai said his administration was determined to bring back security and 
prosperity to the southernmost region, noting that Thailand and Malaysia planned to 
jointly develop the area under the much-publicised Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth 
Triangle Development Project. Sidestepping the blacklist question, the premier 
maintained that the government had no policy to intimidate or make unfounded 
allegations about local people.

He said all government officials had to follow the policy aimed at maintaining peace 
in the area. He noted that it was quite usual for some government officials to bully, 
but the government was sincere about resolving the problem.

Mr Den, a former Democrat member, said he was not happy with the premier's answer and 
would soon seek a meeting with the premier to discuss problems in the southernmost 

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