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>      href="http://www.supportersofshariah.org/eng/audkh/time2rise.ra";>Time To 
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>    <TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width=436>
>      <P><B><FONT size=6><!-- #BeginEditable "Main%20Heading" -->WHO IS SHEIKH 
>      AZZAM <!-- #EndEditable --><BR><!-- #BeginEditable "Sub-Title%20Heading" 
>      size=5>Shaheed Abdullah 
>      Azzam</FONT><!-- #EndEditable --></FONT></B><BR></P><!-- #BeginEditable 
>"Story%20Content" -->
>      <P><FONT size=3>Abdullah Yusuf Azzam was born in a village in the North of 
>      Palestine named Selat Al Harithia in Genine District in the year 1941. His 
>      father's name was Mustafa Azzam who died a year after his son was 
>      assassinated. His mother was Zakia Saleh who died one year before the 
>      Sheikh was killed. She was buried in Pabi camp.
>      <P>The Azzam family is a well-known family, one of its members being 
>      Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, distinguished as child, who started making Da'wah 
>      at an early age. He was already showing signs of excellence and was 
>      recognized by his teachers while he was in elementary school. His peers 
>      knew him as a pious child. Since he was a small boy he was known for his 
>      determination and serious dispositions. Before he had even come of age, he 
>      joined the Muslim Brotherhood.
>      <P>Sheikh Abdullah Azzam received his early elementary and secondary 
>      school education in his village, and continued his education at the 
>      agricultural Khadorri College where he obtained a Diploma. Although he was 
>      the youngest of his colleagues, he was the brightest and most astute. 
>      After he graduated from Khodori College, he worked as a teacher in a 
>      village named Adder in the South of Jordan. Later he joined Shariah 
>      College in Damascus University where he obtained a B.A. Degree in Shariah 
>      in 1966. After the Jews captured the West Bank in 1967, Sheikh Abdullah 
>      Azzam decided to migrate to Jordan, because he could not live under the 
>      Jewish occupation of Palestine. The sacrilege of the Israeli tanks rolling 
>      in the West Bank without any resistance made him more determined to 
>      migrate to learn the skills necessary to fight.
>      <P>In the late 1960's he joined the Jihad against the Israeli occupation 
>      of Palestine from Jordan. During that time he received a Masters degree in 
>      Shariah from the University of Al Azhar. In 1970 and after the jihad came 
>      to a halt, when the PLO was forced out of Jordan, he assumed a teaching 
>      position in the Jordanian University in.Amman. In 1971 he was awarded a 
>      scholarship to Al Azhar University in Cairo from which he obtained a Ph.D. 
>      Degree in Ussul al Fiqh in 1973. During his stay in Egypt he came to know 
>      the family of Saeed Qutb.
>      <P>In 1979, when he was expelled from the university, he moved to Pakistan 
>      to be close to the Afghan Jihad. There, he became aquatinted with the 
>      leaders of the Jihad in Afghanistan. During the early period of his stay 
>      in Pakistan, he was appointed as a teacher in the International Islamic 
>      University in Islamabad. Eventually, it was necessary for him to resign 
>      his position in order to devote his full time and energy to the Jihad in 
>      Afghanistan.
>      <P>Abdullah Azzam was greatly influenced by the Jihad in Afghanistan and 
>      the Jihad was greatly influenced by him. To it he concentrated his full 
>      effort, that he ultimately became the most prominent figure in the Afghani 
>      Jihad aside from the Afghan leaders. He spared no effort to promote the 
>      Afghan cause to the whole world, especially throughout the Muslim Ummah... 
>      He changed the minds of Muslims about Jihad in Afghanistan and presented 
>      the Jihad as an Islamic cause which concerns all Muslims around the world. 
>      Due to his efforts, the Afghani Jihad became universal, in which Muslims 
>      from every part of the world came to fight.
>      <P>Jihad in Afghanistan had made Abdullah Azzam the main pillar of the 
>      Jihad movement in modern times. By taking part in this Jihad, by promoting 
>      it and banishing the misconceptions which had been planted in the path of 
>      Jihad. He became an example to follow for the next generation that 
>      responded to the call of Jihad.
>      <P>Once he said, "I feel that I am nine years old, seven and a half years 
>      in the Afghan Jihad, one and a half years in Jihad in Palestine and the 
>      rest of the years have no value." On Friday the 24th of November 1989 in 
>      Peshawar, Pakistan he was assassinated along with his two sons Mohammed 
>      and Ibrahim, by 20kg of TNT activated by remote control while he was 
>      driving to Friday prayer. His car was blown to fragments in the middle of 
>      a busy street. Pieces his sons were discovered up to a hundred meters 
>      away. One of his son's legs was suspended to an overhanging telephone 
>      line. Nevertheless, Allah be glorified, the Sheikh was found intact, 
>      except for an internal hemorrhage, that caused of his death. Many can 
>      attest to the musk that emanated from his body. His son had asked that he 
>      be taken Shaheed along with his father. Sheikh Abdullah Azzam was buried 
>      in Pabi Graveyard of the Shuhada where he joined thousands of Shuhada 
>      (martyrs).</P></FONT><!-- #EndEditable -->
>      <P></P><FONT size=3>Comments and invitation to Discussion <A 
>      href="http://www.supportersofshariah.org/eng/discussion.html";>Board.</A></FONT> 
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