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Aku pun tak mahu terikut-ikut sangat berita-berita yang datang
dari Barat, lebih-lebih lagi TV Malaysia yang menyalin terus
berita-berita itu. Aku tak lihat siapakah Taliban, tapi anggota
Al-Qaeda yang bersama Taliban yang terdiri dari orang-orang Afghan,
Uzbek, Chechnya, Bosnia, Mesir, China, Indonesia, Pakistan ....
mereka itu berjuang menentang puak-puak kuffar dan munafik. Selama
ini gerakan Al-Qaeda yang membantu perang di Bosnia melawan
Serbia, melawan Soviet di Chechnya dan bumi Afghanistan sendiri.
Perjuangan mereka sedang dihancurkan di Kunduz. Sudah pasti
pejuang-pejuang berbagai bangsa ini tidak mahu pejuangan mereka
dihapuskan oleh Amerika, Rusia dan Yahudi.

Semoga berita-berita yang kita dapat dari sumber-sumber ummat
Islam adalah benar. Setakat ini mereka belum boleh dikalahkan
di Kunduz. Sekiranya pakatan kuffar dan munafik telah berjaya
melumpuhkan gerakan Al-Qaeda ini, bererti, mungkin gerakan
mujahidin sudah tamat? Marilah kita berdoa supaya Allah melindungi
mereka dan menguatkan iman mereka dan memusnahkan pakatan musuh-
musuh Islam.

Malam ini aku menangis membaca berita berikut:


Abdul-Wahid Al-Qahtani from the Eastern Province of the Arabian 
Peninsula joined the ranks of the martyrs (we ask Allah that it 
is so) after eleven years in Jihad, meeting an appointment that 
his beloved had made to him a year and a half earlier. He was one 
of the early Mujahideen into Afghanistan in the late 1980's and
participated in the war against the Soviet-backed Communist regime 
whilst his wife would teach and tend to orphans. When the Jihad in 
Bosnia began in 1992, he was one of the first Foreign Mujahideen to
arrive there. He was one of the leaders there, participating in 
fierce battles against both Serb and Croat forces. In 1993, he 
was captured by Croat forces together with several other Foreign
Mujahideen and he remained imprisoned by them, under torture and 
hardship until his release later on that year via the famous Zenica
prisoner exchange. He participated in Jihad against Israeli forces 
in 1996 and was also said to have attempted to participate in the 
Jihads in Chechnya and Kosova. 
A year and a half ago, he saw a dream in which he saw the most 
beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. She was taunting 
him to come to him in the most sweetest of voices. Such was her 
beauty that he was unable to describe her to his Mujahideen 
brothers. He attempted to approach her in the dream but she 
said to him, "Not now, but you will soon break your fast with 
us". Abdul-Wahid awoke and remained in a state of patience until 
that day arrived when he would break his fast with his beloved, 
the Hoori Paradise Maiden. He was habitual in extra fasting and 
on the days of his fasts, he would do extra guard duties on the
front-lines north of Kabul against the Northern Alliance, hoping 
that it might be the day he meets his beloved. When the Crusade 
began on 07 October, he would wait for the day when he would join 
his beloved. On the 3rd day of Ramadan, corresponding to 19 
November 2001, he was one of a group of brothers in a building 
that was hit by an American rocket. Abdul-Wahid was the first one 
to be martyred from this rocket, so congratulations to him for 
realising the dream that he had seen a year and a half earlier. 

His martyrdom, after 11 years in Jihad, proves that martyrdom 
is not easy, but something special that is endowed by Allah to 
those who are patient and who remain firm on the path of Jihad, 
despite difficulties and hardships, even when others have lost 
their patience in Jihad. Anyone who knew him who is in doubt 
as to which Abdul-Wahid it was can be assured that it was the 
same Abdul-Wahid that they suspect. 

In other news, the Pakistani Daily newspaper, Jang, reported 
that 35 bodies of American Special Forces troops have arrived 
at the Jacobabad airbase in Pakistan, for onward transport to 
America. They were killed in a botched attack against Taliban 
and Foreign Mujahideen positions in Kandahar on Thursday. Many 
more were injured, others were captured and immeasurable 
quantities of American weapons and military equipment were 
captured by the Mujahideen. As proof of a major cover-up, the 
Pentagon specifically made a formal announcement refuting this 
claim as lies, when previously they have not even responded to 
such news. This incident, having the heaviest single toll on 
American lives so far, brings the total number of US casualties 
in this Crusade to approximately 150 killed and 300 injured.

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