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Tribal Leaders in Pakistan Warn the U.S. to Keep Out
Posted on Saturday, April 13 @ 04:28:44 EDT by  

 Peshawar: Tribal leaders from the treacherous mountainous areas along the border with 
Afghanistan have an unambiguous message for American commanders who have suggested 
that they might enter the region in pursuit of Al Qaeda fighters: Don't. One tribal 
leader, wagging his finger for emphasis, said that tribal elders saw America as the 
enemy and that his people would sacrifice their lives to keep American soldiers off 
their land. 

A more moderate leader, a well-educated man, said more calmly that no foreigner may go 
into the tribal areas without permission. That warning must be taken seriously; ages 
ago, Alexander the Great was turned back, and for the last 53 years, until December, 
no soldiers, not even Pakistanis, were allowed in. 

In separate interviews, the tribal leaders, Pashtun Muslims, expressed other views the 
Bush administration would certainly find discouraging: that the core of American 
policy is a hatred of Muslims and that Osama bin Laden was not responsible for the 
Sept. 11 attacks. 

Such sentiments portend great turbulence for Washington and for Pakistan's leader, 
Gen. Pervez Musharraf, who has cast his lot with the United States and the war on 

The war in Aghanistan will drag on for a long time if the tribal areas, which share a 
porous 450-mile border with Afghanistan, become a safe haven for Taliban and Al Qaeda 
fighters to rest and regroup. This is exactly what American officials believe the 
fighters are doing, with some reason, because men from those regions poured into 
Afghanistan to fight early in the war. 

Last week a senior American commander in Afghanistan, Maj. Gen. Franklin L. Hagenbeck, 
raised the possibility that American forces might cross into Pakistan in "hot pursuit" 
of fleeing Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters. 

American officials have raised the possibility of such an operation with General 
Musharraf, and when General Hagenbeck's remarks were reported here, there was no 
denial or reaction by the government, a tacit message of assent. 

But the dangers lurk. Politically, General Musharraf, who faces vocal and violent 
opposition to his alliance with Washington, cannot afford unrest in the tribal areas, 
Pakistani political observers say. 

The Federally Administered Tribal Area consists of seven defined tribal agencies, home 
to some five million people, in northwest Pakistan. The agencies have their own 
councils, courts and law, and the rule of the leaders is absolute. On Friday, an elder 
who dissented from the ruling of the grand council of the Orakzai tribe had his house 
burned down as punishment. 

It was only after intense negotiations and promises of substantial amounts of 
development money (and other money that is not publicly discussed) that the tribal 
councils even allowed the Pakistani Army to enter the region, in December. Pakistan 
now has 12,000 troops patrolling the border, concentrated on a 50-mile stretch of 
mountains overlooking a region of Afghanistan where American troops have been engaged 
in some of the fiercest fighting. 

"We have completely sealed off the border," said an army spokesman, Maj. Amir Uppal. 
There is "no possibility" that Al Qaeda soldiers are hiding in the area, he said in an 

Few take that claim seriously. While it is easy to patrol the major road crossings 
(there are only a handful), the mountains hide thousands of trails, worn by men, 
women, families and donkeys over centuries. A Western diplomat in Islamabad noted that 
the United States, with all its trained law enforcement officials, ditches, canals, 
fences and sophisticated sensors, could not seal the relatively level border with 

The border may be harder to cross now than four months ago, but it is by no means 

Ibrahim Khan, 19, said he crossed on Friday. Standing beside mud huts in a refugee 
camp where horses pulled wooden carts loaded with firewood, he said that at one point 
he and two friends were spotted by Pakistani soldiers, who fired on them with machine 
guns. They found easy cover in the mountains and, when it was safe, they finished 
their journey. 

Another man, in the central market here, said he and his family had been able to cross 
after paying Pakistani soldiers. Before he could continue, a man selling shoes and 
T-shirts told him he should not speak about such things. Other refugees fleeing 
Afghanistan have said that the going rate is $200 a family. 

Men have been crossing the border to fight in Afghanistan for years. When the United 
States began bombing the Taliban, men from the tribal areas again went over to fight. 

"Unfortunately, we did not have the means and resources to fight such a large and 
sophisticated army like the Americans," said Shakirullah Jan Kokikhel, a chief of the 
100,000-member Kokikhel tribe. 

Tribal people are famously proud, tough and self-confident, and Mr. Shakirullah, 69, 
with a grizzled beard, is all of those. He is no political neophyte. For 20 years, he 
fought for adult suffrage in the tribal areas, where until 1997 only the tribal chiefs 
could vote, and on Saturday he was headed to Islamabad to march in a demonstration 
against General Musharraf. 

"Listen to me," he said, pointing his finger and switching from Pashtu to English. 
"There was a time, when Russia was in power, we liked Americans." Indeed, when the 
Soviet Union occupied Afghanistan, men from the tribal areas joined the guerrilla army 
that was backed by the United States. "Now we hate Americans. Under our tribal rules, 
we designate an enemy. America is now the enemy." 

Under tribal rules, once the elders have spoken, everyone falls in line. 

His views, however harsh, are widely held in Pakistan and throughout Muslim Asia and 
Southeast Asia. 

"We don't hate individual Americans, like yourself," he went on. The problem is the 
policy of the American government. "It is against Muslims," he said several times, 

As proof, Mr. Shakirullah cited East Timor, where the United States backed a 
referendum on independence "because they are Christians." The United States does not 
demand the same in Kashmir, he said, because they are Muslims. 

Mr. Shakirullah insisted that there were no Taliban or Al Qaeda forces in his area. 
But what would happen, he was asked, if the American forces, not believing that, 
entered the area? 

"There is already hatred of Americans among our elders," he answered, "among our women 
and children, but then that hatred will reach its peak, and then we will fight them." 

What about the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon? Was Mr. bin Laden 
responsible? "Our research has shown that the Jews did it," he said, without any 

In a far milder way, Ajmal Khan agreed with Mr. Shakirullah. A leader of the Maddakhel 
tribe, Mr. Ajmal, 50, was in Peshawar to meet with the provincial governor, a meeting 
that shows he is far more amenable to the government. 

Like Mr. Shakirullah, Mr. Ajmal, dressed in an immaculate white, loose fitting 
waistcoat and trousers and a large turban, said there were no Al Qaeda or Taliban 
fighters in his area. If the Americans had evidence to the contrary, they should share 
it with him, and he and the elders would round them up. 

Asked who was responsible for the World Trade Center attacks, Mr. Ajmal, a university 
graduate, former military officer and former minister of sport, grew uneasy. "It must 
be the Jews," he said. 

He said he knew that President Bush had convinced General Musharraf that Mr. bin Laden 
was responsible for the attacks, but "he didn't convince me." 


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