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Yalah...nama-nama orang sebelah Afrika..yang kononnya ada
banyak menyimpan harta-harta rahsia. Buang saja emel-emel
mereka tu ...Kalau dilayani mereka tu..wang anda sendiri akan
lesap kerana mereka minta wang sokongan anda sebagai
cagaran bahawa anda bersetuju berkongsi dengan mereka.
Padahal itu mereka menipu..

Biasanya mereka dapat alamat emel anda daripada ICQ jika anda
pernah bermain chat di internet.


> ron wrote:
> Asm,
> pernahkah anda menerima email spt dibawah.
> Date:October 14,2002.
> Dear Sir,
> You must not be surprised at the receipt of this message.
> Indeed you must realise that there is always the hidden hands of
> providence in the affairs of men and that we are only pencils in the
> hands of the almighty creator of the universe.
> The truth is that after more than Three years of incaceration at the
> Kirikiri Maximum security prisons in Lagos Nigeria, the eldest son of
> the late Nigerian military head of state(general Sani Abacha) was
> released by the federal authorities on september 23,2002
> Mr.Mohammed Abacha was being held because his late father
> was said to have embezzled more than Three Billion United States
> Dollars (3billion USD) when he was Nigeria's head of state.
> Note that Mr.Mohammed was released after reaching an agreement with
> the incumbent Nigerian head of state to refund the sum of about two
> billion Dollars to the federal government.I am Alhaji Kaloma ALi
> former minister of Solid Minerals under the government of late
> general Sani Abacha.I was also one of the main attorneys who defended
> Mohammed Abacha through the period of his travails in the hands of
> the federal government even though as a former minister under
> general Abacha, I am still barred by the federal authories from
> travelling out of the country.
> Just now I have concluded a marathon meeting with Mr.Mohammed and he
> has confided in me that as he is releasing the 2 billion USD to the
> federal authorities,he is also going to send out various sums of
> money to foreign bank accounts provided he is sure of reliable
> partners abroad who are going to receive these sums.Indeed I have
> been mandated to find a reliable partner who is going to receive the
> sum of Forty-Five million USD ($45million in the first instance.The
> reward to such a person will be 20% of the $45million.
> Again 5% of the $45million will be set out for covering the expenses
> that would be incurred while processing the transfer of the
> $45million from here.I am also to state that all our local bank
> accounts have been frozen and that we need a partner who would be
> willing to do things as fastly as we want them done.
> If therefore you are capable, please come back to me on the above
> stated email address or you can reach me on telephone
> number:234-1-4734203.
> Kindest regards.
> Alhaji Kaloma Ali

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