i think i *might* have it. but it wont work, dont know if its me :/ ::
hook the SetPixelFormat function =D.... Trying to make a modified
cl_metamod... Will eventually strip out the "plugin management" bit so
it just hooks me the SetPixelFormat stuff...

if (!InterceptDllCall( GetModuleHandle(NULL), "Gdi32.dll",
 ::MessageBox(NULL, "its not worked!", ":|", MB_OK);

and well wot do you now O_O it tells me the opp failed :(
InterceptDllCall works for GetProcAddress in cl_metamod :/, wot am doing

This is my replacement code:

typedef int (WINAPI *SetPixelFormatFunc)(HDC,int,PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR*);
SetPixelFormatFunc oldSetPixelFormat;

int newSetPixelFormat(HDC hdc, int ipix, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfd)
   pfd->cDepthBits = 32;
   pfd->cStencilBits = 1;

::MessageBox(NULL,"testing!", "test!", MB_OK);

   return oldSetPixelFormat(hdc,ipix,pfd);

Obviously this will probably get detected by VAC or woteva so Im gonna
have to label it heavily or something :/
jc wrote:

Pretty pretty please? Something like:

stencil = Cvar_Get( "r_stencilbits", "0", 0 );
pfd.cStencilBits = (int)max(0, stencil->value);

If you dont I'll end up killing myself trying to do something with
WGL_ARB_pbuffer or another render-to-memory hdc >_>..... You dont want
me to end up killing myself do you O_o death by code.... thats how I
want to go....


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