Maybe this only have sense if you plan to generate games that will use
the Steam distribution method (also paying method? maybe this doesn't
not care). This is suppose other reason Valve breaking the rule #1...
KISS: "keep it simple, stupid".  Murphi Laws is all about how actually
Steam work, but I guess Valve magic will solve most agravant
problems.. and while this is fixed, users will update to better comps
and (maybe) better conections. I guess Steam work much better with
high-end computers.

Actually If i press the Steam icon, become "Steam - Updating - .." for
hours, doing nothing (or very slowly downloading something).
 Fortunally enough I not like too much to play CS, and anyway WON servers where still 

I think is not a good idea to mix a game launcher + a update tool + a
payment method in the same tool. The reason is that this block or
unable some players to work off-line, or wait loong times to play
singple-player/practice/etc..  Actually the "update tool" feature of
Steam have "take over control" of all other features, and this is not
good. "Steam as a game launcher" can be nice, if start fast (no more
than 3 s. Actually can be 3 hours of real worl time = Arrggghhhh ),
and can be good as a payment method (I dont like to pay games more
than once, but.. hee.. maybe other people want something like Ultima
Online with a FPS or whatever...) for some people.

My english suck. (<= this mail is really extreme bad. I am sorry)

Woo.. sudenly my Steam -Updating window is now 61%.. Its alive!! Its
alive!!! ... HAHAHA... ITS ALIVE!!! (<== frankestein quote)

P> As I recall, you can get in contact with Valve and sign and NDA to get
P> the Steam SDK from them.

P> -Philip

P> On Monday, September 29, 2003, at 05:54  pm, Bulk wrote:

>> I think you misread his e-mail. He's looking for the steam SDK, not
>> steam
>> it's self.

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