A suggestion for you nodes; Place them at the very most, 256 units
apart. What I like to do when I make my maps is to just put 1 node in
the top left corner or something, and then copy. Then do paste special,
and then make like 20 copies or something with the x offset set to 256
(makes 20 copies to the right in the top view.) Then select all of those
nodes, then copy, then paste special, then set y to -256, so it makes 20
copies going down. Then select all of those nodes in your 20x20 grid and
then copy them and then paste-special 1 layer at z with 128 units, but
then change all the nodes to ai_node_air, and then copy them all at 128
units apart on the z level.

Hope this helps you :)

You might also want to select all your ai nodes and then put them into a
visgroup so you can hide them when you need to do brushwork. That portal
thing in your corner over there looks awesome :)

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